We seek to reduce incidence and fear of crime, to partner with the community to solve problems, and to enhance public safety in a manner that is reasonable, unbiased, and transparent.
We strive to provide exemplary community-oriented policing services by creating partnerships and problem solving strategies that promote the safety, security, and well-being of our community.
We Support You
Information For Parents
Community Engagement
Important Information
University Police Policy and Procedures

Review Our Policies
More About University Police
It is the mission of the Fitchburg State University Police Department to reduce the incidence and fear of crime, to partner with the community to solve problems, to enhance public safety in a manner that is reasonable, unbiased, and transparent, to support students in their development and academic endeavors, and to be a collaborative resource for faculty, staff, and students.
Chief of Police
- Michael Cloutier, mclouti4@fitchburgstate.edu
- Phillip Karampatsos*, pkarampa@fitchburgstate.edu
- Andrew Lamarche, alamarc2@fitchburgstate.edu
- Richard Nelson*, rnelson4@fitchburgstate.edu
Administrative Assistant
- Nicole Arcangeli, narcangeli@fitchburgstate.edu
Detective Patrolman
- Niomi Gayle, ngayle@fitchburgstate.edu
- Timothy Grant, tgrant1@fitchburgstate.edu
- Maxwell Sumner, msumner1@fitchburgstate.edu
- Andrew Himmer, ahimmer@fitchburgstate.edu
- Emily Ramos, eramos3@fitchburgstate.edu
- Nicholas McLaughlin, nmclaug5@fitchburgstate.edu
- Toros Matellian, tmatelli@fitchburgstate.edu
- Grace Kerr, gkerr4@fitchburgstate.edu
- Andrew Morris, amorri25@fitchburgstate.edu
- Steven Ingman, singman@fitchburgstate.edu
- Ryan McCarthy, rmccar26@fitchburgstate.edu
- Michael Chesson, mchesson@fithcburgstate.edu
- Patrick Spooner, pspooner@fitchburgstate.edu
- Timothy Stewart, tstewar5@fitchburgstate.edu
- Landon Johnson, ljohns68@fitchburgstate.edu
- Dylan Soldi, dsoldi@fitchburgstate.edu
- Amelia Bailey, abaile16@fitchburgstate.edu
- John Mackinnon, jmackin3@fitchburgstate.edu
- Jenna Peters, jpeters44@fitchburgstate.edu
Reserve Officers
- Erin Morreale, econsid1@fitchburgstate.edu
Dispatcher Supervisor
- Jennie House, jhouse3@fitchburgstate.edu
- James Sniffen, jsniffen@fitchburgstate.edu
* Denotes Public Record Officers
Fairness and Impartiality: We act with fairness, restraint, and impartiality in carrying out our responsibilities. We understand that our actions, combined with the way we treat members of the community, contribute to our “legitimacy” in the eyes of the public.
Integrity: We are honest, truthful, and consistent in our words and actions, and therefore worthy of the community’s trust.
Teamwork: We work together as one organization in carrying out the mission of the department. As individual members, we are respectful to each other and work collectively to solve problems in service of our community.
Collaboration: We value working in partnership with the community, to create and maintain a culture of mutual trust, with a goal of shared success and accomplishment.
Competence: We are public safety professionals, exhibiting a quiet confidence in the performance of our duties; accompanied by a desire for continuous improvement. We are responsive to the needs of the community and deliver services promptly and efficiently.
Miscellaneous Forms
Please return any of the following forms to the University Police Station located at 32 Clinton Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420.
- Anonymous Witness Form
- Officer Complaint Form (PDF)
- Officer Commendation Form
- Officer Presentation Request (PDF)
- Request a Detail/Event Officer
- Request a Copy of a Public Record (PDF)
- Campus Security Authority Incident Report Form
- CORI/SORI Acknowledgement Form (PDF)
Campus Partners:
- Affirmative Action/Title IX
- Capital Planning and Maintenance
- Care Team
- Center for Diversity and Inclusiveness
- Counseling Services
- Disability Services
- Fitchburg Anti-Violence Education (FAVE)
- Health Services
- Housing and Residential Services
- Parking Services
- Public Relations
- Student Affairs
- Student Conduct and Case Management