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has published a book for grades 5 through 8 called “The Last Child” and is currently working on a sequel. “The Last Child” is about two young teenagers, Stuart and Kate, who summer in Woods Hole on Cape Cod. But it’s what follows their first day visiting together that opens a summer they’ll never forget.
A trip to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute turned into adventure as they discover a group of dolphins the in the aquarium who could understand and communicate in Portuguese. This discovery stumps all the scientists!
What happens next surprises not only the head of a critical department in the Institute, but also shocks the world: Stuart, Kate, and the research doctors at the Institute discover there is an Atlantis. They go on to meet the Last Child, a princess of Atlantis, her father, a prince, and finally King, the king of Atlantis, but not before a lot happened to make their summer one they’ll never forget.

Fall 2024 and Winter 2025