University and Christ Church choirs present music of Haydn

April 12, 2024
Choirs performing Haydn with orchestra at Christ Church Fitchburg
Poster for Haydn concert April 2024

The ongoing collaboration between the Fitchburg State University and Christ Church choirs continues this month with “The Heavens are Telling: The Music of Franz Joseph Haydn” at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 28.

The concert will be held at Christ Church, 569 Main St. Admission is free with a $10 donation suggested at the door.

The collaborative arts event combines university and community musicians, featuring music for voices and orchestra by renowned classical composer Franz Joseph Haydn.

"It is always a joy and a privilege to bring together the musicians of Fitchburg State Choirs and Christ Church, and we are very excited to continue our long-term collaboration with this upcoming springtime show," said Associate Professor Jonathan Harvey, who will conduct the concert.

There will also be an open rehearsal for this show at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 18 at Christ Church. The open rehearsal will be presented as part of the city's 01420 Week festivities. Admission to the open rehearsal is free.

To learn more about Fitchburg State’s choral and instrumental ensembles, please visit