
tagged as contact magazine
Julia Miele '22 with lacrosse stick at Elliot Field

If I’m there, I’m going to put 110% effort in, and we’ll see what happens. My mindset is, we’re already here, we might as well make the most of it. 

Making the Most of It
Julia Miele ‘22
Runner Taban Manyok in the Recreation Center

I’ve been super-disciplined. Running, going to practice and going to the meets puts me in a mindset of working to be successful. If I have time to go on a 10-mile run, then I should have time to do an hour or two of homework. I make sure everything balances out.

Running Toward Success
Taban Manyok ‘24
Elliot Zopatti RA with Russell Towers in background through the window

It’s a great fit, I’m a member of that community, and we exist among each other and support each other.

A Welcoming Community
Elliot Zopatti '24
Students in Verona, Italy

In its 20 years of operations, the CIC has helped build and support world language programs, created opportunities for students and faculty to study abroad, and sustained a rich series of programs to entertain and enlighten residents of North Central Massachusetts.

Building a Strong Foundation
The Center for Italian Culture celebrates a history of supporting students
Photo of alumna Liza McFadden Class of 1983

The same level of detail (in a classroom assignment) goes into writing a bill. You have to think about, ‘How does that line connect to this line, and then to that line.’ It’s the same process.

A Passion for Literacy
For Liza McFadden ‘83, helping kids learn to read is the greatest gift
Portrait of alumnus Randy Meech 97

In any career path, you’re always communicating. It’s important you’re describing things coherently and consistently, whether it’s in a design document or an email or making a pitch to an investor.

Finding His Way
­Randy Meech ‘97 puts the foundational skills he learned at Fitchburg State to work as an entrepreneur and innovator
Portrait of alumnus Michael Kushmerek 08 13

A Fitchburg State education has opened every door that was presented to me.

Opening Doors
State Rep. Michael Kushmerek ‘08, ‘13 found ‘the perfect fit’ at Fitchburg State
Portrait of Susannah Whipps '12

I know very few people I grew up with who are doing what they thought they would be doing at 16 or 17 years old. I tell young people, ‘Go to a state school, figure out what you really want to do.’ We’re so fortunate in Massachusetts to have the public higher education system we have. We’re a leader in the country.

A Non-Traditional Student
Susannah M. Whipps ’12 cultivates a passion for lifelong learning as a legislator
Portrait of Sharon Bernard '99

To me, a liberal arts and science degree is the ideal course of study for anyone who isn’t really sure of the path they want to take. You never know when a particular subject or teacher will light a spark that will shape the rest of your life.

Lighting the Spark
Sharon Bernard ‘99 turned a passion for the written word into a rewarding career in the library
Mallory-Anne Perron '14 is a nurse at Brigham and Women's Hospital

I don’t feel like a hero. I took an oath to take care of people and that’s all that I’m trying to do.

The New Reality
Mallory-Anne Perron '14