
tagged as contact magazine
Photo of Muhammad "Moose" Mahmood

Our Black community is in danger. This isn’t breaking news, but it should be breaking hearts.

A Show of Unity
Members of the campus community showed support for Black Lives Matter
Calendar icon in Google

These courses provide a much needed opportunity to engage in dialogue, self-reflection and community building. Doing so replaces misinformation with empathy, compassion and belonging.

Educating the Community
The Center for Professional Studies is equipping local schools and businesses to serve increasingly diverse constituencies
Alexandra Valdez '15 at Boston City Hall

It feels amazing to see more and more students at Fitchburg State who want to get engaged. It’s so close and dear to me to see young Latinos and people of color, because I totally know what they’re going through.

Failure Was Not an Option
Getting a College Degree Was Not a Foregone Conclusion for Alexandra Valdez '15
Hate Has No Home Here signage on quad

Our goal is to hear voices we don’t always hear. Our students are so smart, and so connected, we want to hear all the solutions they have.

Hearing Voices We Don't Always Hear
Faculty and Librarian-Led Initiatives Combat Racism and Bias
First year seminar teaching

What I’ve tried to do in the program is to help students self-advocate and to help them understand how academic settings work.

Building a Community of Support
An investment in student success strategies is closing achievement gaps
Unity Rally on the quad in 2020

One of our first objectives is to have a better understanding of our own identities and our own biases.

A Student Ready Campus
The university’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts span the entire campus
Photo of Manuela Medina Sanchez '21

We want to empower students to be the authors of their own stories. It’s really about rethinking what this center can do to amplify voices that are most silenced in this society.

Giving Voice to the Voiceless
The Center for Diversity and Inclusiveness is being reimagined for changing times
a photograph of Thompson Hall

Addressing the systemic barriers to student success will take a campus-wide commitment.

Closing the Equity Gap
Our Next Five-Year Strategic Plan Focuses on Education Justice
Shalayah Washington aka Red Shaydez

Fighting for equality is always at my core, along with human rights. We should all be able to start with a clean slate.

Music Can Change the World
Shalayah Washington '14 Makes Music That Matters