
tagged as communications media department
Alumnus Ben Cezair-Thompson performing Macbeth in London

I definitely wouldn’t be able to do what I’m doing without my undergraduate experience at Fitchburg State.

His Hour Upon the Stage
Ben Cezair-Thompson '22
Portrait of alumnus Jon Allen and downtown mural

The euphoria of completing a new mural always happens the first moments after you finish the last brush stroke, but as a professional I am always looking forward to the next project.

Bringing Art to Everyone
Jon Allen '12 sees community-building power of art
Kristen Laquidara

I came to Fitchburg State not knowing anyone except for my freshman year roommate. I’ve met lots and lots of people. There is not a time I walk across campus and don't see someone that I know, and I have both Dance Club and Greek life to thank for that.

On Top of Every Detail
Kristen Laquidara ‘22
Elliot Zopatti RA with Russell Towers in background through the window

It’s a great fit, I’m a member of that community, and we exist among each other and support each other.

A Welcoming Community
Elliot Zopatti '24