
tagged as education
Portrait of Leominster High School Principal Josh Romano '10 '14

The success I’ve had as an educational leader is so invested in Fitchburg State. I look back very fondly at my time there.

Making a Bigger Impact
Joshua Romano ‘10, ‘14 was named principal of Leominster High School in Fall 2022
Portrait of Dayana Carlson 99 06

I want students to leave here prepared, with as many doors open to them as possible.

Where Opportunity Meets Ambition
Dayana Carlson '99, '06 is realizing her greatest ambitions as the first Latina principal at Monty Tech
Laurie Furtado '22 on quad in hat

I had never led something before. This was the first time that people were looking at me, and I had to be in charge. That will help in the classroom, and it was the first step out of my comfort zone.

Embracing the Genuinely Silly
Laurie Furtado ‘22
Hate Has No Home Here signage on quad

Our goal is to hear voices we don’t always hear. Our students are so smart, and so connected, we want to hear all the solutions they have.

Hearing Voices We Don't Always Hear
Faculty and Librarian-Led Initiatives Combat Racism and Bias
Heidi Cowley '11

I had to think about how to reach my students online, and that’s when I started with the idea of a book. I draw a lot of coloring pages that kids have at school, so I was thinking about a series of those that kids could download. And then it grew into an actual children’s book.

Reaching Each Other
Heidi Cowley '11
Joseph Baeta '92

All of us are being asked to do things differently, so none of us feels alone. I think the way teachers work is going to change.

Total Non-Normal
Joseph Baeta '92