Catherine Buell

Mathematics School of Health and Natural Sciences
Catherine Buell Headshot
978.665.3077 Office: Edgerly Hall 312A
Office Hours
Spring 2025

Monday (by appt) 10:00am - 11:00am
Tuesday: 12:30pm - 1:30pm HAMM G06
Wednesday (by appt) 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Thursday: 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDG 312A



Ph.D., North Carolina State University. 2011.

Algebraic Group Theory
Symmetric Spaces
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
Mathematics Education

Studying the structure of symmetric spaces for SL_2(F-q)
Visual Stylometry: Integrating mathematics, philosophy, computer science, and art to classify artwork
Creating inquiry-based labs for calculus I and Calculus II sequence

Buell, C., A. Helminck, V. Klima, J. Schaefer, C. Wright, E. Ziliak (2020) Classifying the orbits of the generalized symmetric spaces of SL(2,F_q), Communications in Algebra, 48:4, 1744-1757.
Buell, C. A. and Piercey, V. (2019) Ethics in Mathematics. FOCUS, Feb/March.
Buell, C.A. & Shulman, B. (2019) An Introduction to Mathematics for Social Justice, PRIMUS, 29:3-4, 205-209.

berg, j., Buell, C., Day D.,  & Evans, R. (2019) Meaningful Mathematics: A Social-Justice-Themed-Introductory Statistics Course, PRIMUS, 29:3-4, 300-311.
Sethi, R., Buell, C., W. Seeley & Y. Gil (2017) Democratizing the Visual Stylometry of Art: Analysis of Artistic Style through Computational Workflows, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery.

Mathematics Association of America (MAA)

American Mathematics Society (AMS)

Association for Women in Mathematics (AMW)