Danette Day

Education School of Education
Danette Day
978.665.3695 Office: McKay C126
Office Hours
Spring 2025

Monday and Wednesday from 1:45 - 3:15 p.m.


Dr. Danette Day is an associate professor in our Education Department. Educator and scholar with a thirty-year career in higher, public, private, charter and innovation school education. Danette earned her Ed. D. in Education and School Improvement from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.  She also held the positions of Advanced Academic Learning Initiative (AALI) Coach, at the McKay Arts Academy, Fitchburg, MA; Vice President for Academic Affairs, of the Charter School of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE; Organizational Specialist, Workplace Learning & Development Office, Amherst, MA; Dean of Students, Westford Academy, Westford, MA; and Dean of Students, Bancroft School, Worcester, MA. She is an instructor for school leadership, diversity pedagogy, educational psychology, curriculum development and cultural competency courses.  She is a community activist, social justice proponent, life-long learner and an outstanding role model committed to the preparation of skillful, reflective teachers and administrators. Researcher of community engagement, sense of belonging and mindfulness in teaching and educational leadership. 

Courses Taught

FYE Seminar: Cultivating Resilience (FYE 1000)
Engaging Scholarship in Education (SPED 4300)
Capstone Seminar: Education (IDIS 4000)
Developing Culturally Proficient Educators for a Democratic Society (EDUC 1005)
Current Events & Service Learning (HON 1020)
Dynamics Perspectives in Education (EDLM/EDUC/SPED 9005)


Ed.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst (Teacher Education and School Improvement). May 2014. Research: Teacher Professional Development

CAGS, Fitchburg State College (Educational Leadership and Management). June 2007. Licensed Massachusetts School Principal, grades 5-12.

M.Ed., Lesley University (Instructional Technology). June 1999. Certified Instructional Technology Specialist, grades K-12.

M.A., Simmons College (Teaching). June 1990. Certified Social Studies and Behavioral Sciences Teacher.

B.S., Fitchburg State College (Communications Media). June 1986. Specialization: Television Production.

  • Cultural Proficiency and Student Sense of Belonging
  • Mindfulness-Based Inclusive Practice
  • Participation in the 1st cohort of FSU's Faculty Academy (FA). FA is a collaborative opportunity for faculty to develop curriculum that is engaging and relevant for students. Through instructional design and delivery changes, faculty build a holistic approach to teaching that implements active learning, brings real talk to the classroom and establishes a sense of belonging.
  • Recipient of a 2020-2021 Special Projects Grant to conduct research in collaboration with Connie Strittmatter to explore the perceptions and use of the Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library by underrepresented students. 
  • Principal Investigator for a recently submitted (Oct. 2020) NSF DRK12 Research Proposal, Investigating a theory of mindfulness-based Inclusive Practice (m-bIP) in Early College High Schools.

Day, D. V. & Strittmatter, C. (2020). Student involvement on a campus committee and its impact on sense of belonging: A reflection on a collaboration effort to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 8(1), 94-103. https://jpaap.ac.uk/JPAAP/article/view/403

DeLuca, S., Gregory, J. L., & Day, D. V. (2018). Efficacy of Mindfulness in the Classroom, European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 2, 3, 1-8. Retrieved from: http://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org/volumes/volume-2-2018/volume-2-article-3

Berg, J., Buell, C., Day, D. & Evans, R. (2018): Meaningful Mathematics: A Social-Justice-Themed-Introductory Statistics Course, PRIMUS, DOI:10.1080/10511970.2018.1446478 

Day, D. & Gregory, J. (2017). Mindfulness as a Prerequisite to Effective Leadership; Exploring the Constructs that Foster Productive Use of Feedback for Professional Learning, Interchange, DOI: 10.1007/s10780-017-9307