Daniel Welsh
Biology and Chemistry
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Office: SCI 233
Office Hours
Spring 2025
Monday 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Tuesday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Thursday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Courses Taught
Anatomy and Physiology I (Lecture and Laboratory) (BIOL 1200)
Anatomy and Physiology II (Lecture and Laboratory) (BIOL 1300)
Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Lecture and Laboratory) (BIOL 2004)
Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Lecture and Laboratory) (BIOL 2005)
Animal Behavior (Lecture and Laboratory) (BIOL 2600)
Ichthyology (Lecture) (BIOL 3004)
Evolution (Lecture) (BIOL 4600)
- Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Biology)
- M.S., Bowling Green State University (Biology)
- B.S., St. Thomas Aquinas College (Biology)
My interests focus on two broad topics of fish biology: breeding behavior and adaption to different habitats. I aim to understand how species adapt (behaviorally, morphologically, physiologically, etc.) to different environments. I like to explore these topics in under-utilized species, thus increasing our knowledge of non-model fish species in the process.
- Daniel P. Welsh, John P. Ludlam, Emma L. Downs, Elizabeth S. Gordon, Elyse V. Clark, Benjamin Levy, Jane Huang, Aisling M. O’Connor. 2023. Stream fish community structure across an urban gradient in a northeastern US watershed. Environmental Biology of Fishes 106:1579–1595
- Joseph M Styga and Daniel P Welsh. 2021. Spawning substrate shift associated with the evolution of a female sexual characteristic in a family of fishes Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 133: 155–165
- D. P. Welsh, D. D. Wiegmann, L. M. Angeloni, S. P. Newman, J. G. Miner, J. R. Baylis. 2017. Condition‐dependent reproductive tactics in male smallmouth bass: evidence of an inconsistent birthdate effect on early growth and age at first reproduction. Journal of Zoology 302: 244-251. DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12454
- D. P. Welsh and R. C. Fuller. 2015. Size and shape of anal and dorsal fins in the blackstripe topminnow, Fundulus notatus. Journal of Fish Biology 86: 217–227. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12564
- Daniel P. Welsh, Muchu Zhou, Steven M. Mussmann, Lauren G. Fields, Claire L. Thomas, Simon P. Pearish, Stephanie L. Kilburn, Jerrod L. Parker, Laura R. Stein, Jennifer A. Bartlett, Christopher R. Bertram, Thomas J. Bland, Kate L. Laskowski, Brett C. Mommer, Xuan Zhuang, and Rebecca C. Fuller. 2013. The effects of age, sex, and habitat on body size and shape of the blackstripe topminnow, Fundulus notatus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108:784-789.
- Welsh, D. P. and R. C. Fuller. 2011. Where to place your eggs: the effects of conspecific eggs and water depth on oviposition decisions in bluefin killifish. Journal of Zoology 284:192-197. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7998.2011.00793.x