David Heikkinen

Exercise and Sports Science School of Health and Natural Sciences
David Heikkinen, Ph.D., Exercise and Sports Science
978.665.3922 Office: Exercise and Sports Science, Room #107
Office Hours

Tuesday 9-10:30 a.m.
Wednesday 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Courses Taught

Health & Fitness (EXSS 1000)
Weight Training for Athletes (EXSS 1450)
Functional Anatomy (EXSS 2050)
Exercise Physiology Lab (EXSS 2070)
Practicum in Strength and Conditioning 1-a (EXSS 3011)
Biomechanics of Sport (EXSS 3020)
Scientific Foundations of Strength Training & Conditioning (EXSS 3120)
Practicum in Strength and Conditioning 2-a (EXSS 4002)
Biomechanics & Motor Control of Human Movement (EXSS 4005)
Motor Learning and Control of Human Movement (EXSS 4025)
Fitness Management (EXSS 4040)
Internship (EXSS 4950)


Ph.D., Springfield College (Exercise Physiology), 2012
M.S., University of Maine Orono (Kinesiology), 2003
B.S., University of Maine Farmington (Health), 1998

Selected Research and Publications

  • Melrose, D. & Heikkinen D.J. (2021). Responses and Adaptations to Aerobic Endurance Training (3rd edition). In B. Schoenfeld & R. Snarr (Eds), NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training: Human Kinetics. Manuscript Submitted for Publication.
  • Valyo, M., Carmichael, R., Alsup, J., Parisi, L, & Heikkinen, D.J. (2021). Physiological Characteristics of Youth and Junior Elite Triathletes and Competition Performance. Manuscript in Preparation.
  • Carmichael, R., Heikkinen, D.J., Mullin, E., & McCall, N.R. (2017). Physiological Responses to Cyclocross Racing. Sports and Exercise Medicine. (3)2: 74-80.
  • Carmichael, R., Heikkinen, D.J., & Mertens, E. (2015). Impact of Cycling Intensity on Cycle-run Transition in Female Triathletes. Journal of Cycling and Science. (4)1: 14-20.
  • Heikkinen, D. J., Carmichael, R., & Herrick, S. (2014). Impact of Caffeine Ingestion on Circulating Growth Hormone and Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 Levels During Endurance Exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 28(12): 103.
  • Heikkinen, D.J. (2003). Physical Testing Characteristics of Junior Alpine Ski Racers (Master’s Thesis, University of Maine)

Conference Presentations

  • Heikkinen, D. “Environmental Challenges: Athlete Safety and Coaching for Success in the Heat, Cold, and High Altitude” NSCA Regional Conference. Biddeford, ME. (2018, Dec. 2)
  • Heikkinen, D. “Talking to your athletes about diet and supplements in a World of misinformation” NSCA Regional Conference. Biddeford, ME. (2017, Dec. 3)
  • Heikkinen, D. “Training the Lower Back” NSCA Rhode Island State Clinic. Kingston, RI. (2015 Apr. 18)
  • Heikkinen, D. “Training Outside the Weight Room” NSCA Regional Conference. Fitchburg, MA. (2014 Oct. 5)
  • Heikkinen, D. “Training the Alpine Athlete” NSCA Regional Conference. Biddeford, ME. (2013 Oct. 12)
  • Heikkinen, D. “Training for the Reduction of Knee Injuries” NSCA Rhode Island State Clinic. Kingston, RI. (2013 Apr. 13)
  • Heikkinen, D. “Training for the Reduction of Knee Injuries” NSCA Northeast Regional Conference. Westfield, MA. (2011 Oct. 15)
  • Heikkinen, D. “Training for the Reduction of Knee Injuries” NEHRSA Spring Conference. Mashantucket, CT. (2011 May 21)
  • Heikkinen, D. “Training for the Reduction of Knee Injuries” NSCA Northeast Regional Conference. Lebanon, NH (2010 Oct. 2)
  • Caulfield, S., Cooper, K., Heikkinen, D., McGrath, C., & Nutting, M. “Training from the Ground up” Club Industry East 2009. Boston, MA (2009 May 27)
  • Heikkinen, D. “Training the Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Complex for Performance Enhancement” NSCA Northeast Regional ‘Hands on’ Clinic. Lebanon, NH (2008 Nov. 8)
  • Heikkinen, D. “Training the Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Complex for Performance Enhancement” Symposium of Strength. Nashua, NH (2008 Sept. 27)
  • Heikkinen, D. “Training the Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Complex for Performance Enhancement NSCA Massachusetts State Chapter Meeting. Franklin, MA (2008 July 16)


  • Heikkinen, D. J., Carmichael, R., & Herrick, S. Impact of Caffeine Ingestion on Circulating Growth Hormone and Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 Levels During Endurance Exercise. Poster session presented at: 37th Annual National Strength & Conditioning Association National Conference; 2014 July 10; Las Vegas, NV.
  • Carmichael, R., Heikkinen, D., & Mertens, E. Impact of Cycling Intensity on Cycle Run Transition. Poster session presented at: 60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine; 2013 May 29; Indianapolis, IN.
  • Chow, J., Heikkinen, D., Mertens, E., Matthews, T., & Paolone, V. Effects of Stretch Shortening Cycle Warm-Up on Cycling Performance in Females. Poster session presented at: 60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine; 2013 May 29; Indianapolis, IN.


2015 National Strength & Conditioning Association 38th Annual National Conference Awards Banquet:  Recognition for Service and Outstanding Leadership

Professional Affiliations

National Strength & Conditioning Association:  Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

United States Ski & Snowboard Association:  National Level 400 Alpine Coach