Denise Simion

Business Administration School of Business and Technology
Dr. Denise Simion
978.665.3745 Office: Percival G09-H
Office Hours
Fall 2024

Tuesday 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.

Courses Taught

BSAD 1700, Introduction to Computer Information Systems
BSAD 2020, Introduction to Managerial Accounting
BSAD 2030, Principles of Management
BSAD 3210, Human Resources Management
BSAD 3400, Basic Finance
BSAD 4200, Organizational Behavior and Theory
FYE 1020, Seminar, Adventures in Business
MGMT 9025, Human Capital Analytics
MGMT 9035, Leadership and Culture
MGMT 9060, Management Information Systems
MGMT 9390, Managing Business Analytics
MGMT 9450, Selected Topics: Challenges with Managing Organizational Change
MGMT 9450, Selected Topics: Data Analytics and Decision Making
MGMT 9450. Selected Topics: Leadership & Cultural Diversity
MGMT 9450, Selected Topics: Women & Leadership



Université Paul-Valéry - Montpellier 3 (France)

Ph.D., Sciences of Information and Communication

Harvard University

M.A., Management (Final GPA: 3.94)

Northeastern University

Certificate in Internet Technologies

Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania

B.S., Management

Papers (peer-reviewed)

"Impact of Practicing Servant Leadership Style Among Chief Nursing Officers (CNO) in Nursing Organizations". M.H. Malak, Co-Authors: W. Lorman, B. Mirza, A. Rundio, D. Simion, M. Simion, 2022.

"Predominantly Practiced Leadership Style of Chief Nursing Officers in Healthcare Organizations". M.H. Malak, Co-Authors: W. Lorman, A. Rundio, D. Simion, M. Simion, 2022. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice.

"Considerations When Developing Business Data Analytics Projects". Unequal World International Conference: Book of Abstracts (2021) ISBN 978-1-945298-44-8.<

“Individual Interests vs. Structural Representation in Postmodern Interreligious Networking: The Case of the Romanian Protestant and Orthodox Seminarians” (with Mihaela Alexandra Tudor) Journal of Beliefs & Values, 42:1 (January 2021) 124-141, DOI:10.1080/13617672.2020.1780392

“Will Broadband Internet Become a Public Utility in the Post-COVID United States?” Unequal World Conference: Book of Abstracts, 2020, 14. (ISBN 978-1-945298-29-5)

“Orthodox Overtures of Religious Diversity: Clues From Confessional Digital Media Coverage” pp. 408-424 in Mihaela Alexandra Tudor and Stefan Bratosin (eds.) Belief in Technology: Mediatization of the Future and the Future of Mediatization, Actes du 43 colloque International ComSymbol les 8–9 novembre 2018, Editions IARSIC et ESSACHESS, Les Arcs, France, 2018. (ISBN 979-10-95923-03-9)

 “A Snapshot of Romania’s Economic Scene at the Time of EU Accession” pp.514-517 in Marian Gh. Simion, Ilie Tălpăşanu, (eds.) Proceedings: 32nd Annual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Montréal: Presses internationale polytechnique, 2008. (ISBN 978-2-553-01424-6)

 “Notes on the sustainability of the current Orthodox–Protestant elite networking and dialogue in Romania” Montpellier: Institute for Advanced Religious Studies and Internetworking Communication, May 2018.

Volumes (peer-reviewed)

EditorRAIS Conference Proceedings: The 24th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (2021) ISBN:
978-1-945298-45-5. The Scientific Press, Cambridge, MA/p>

Co-EditorUnequal World Conference: Book of Abstracts, New York, September 2020. (contributor & coeditor with Nelu Burcea and Marian Simion | ISBN 978-1-945298-29-5 | 78 pages)

Co-EditorThe Phenomenon of Migration: Proceedings of Harvard Square Symposium Volume 2 | Year 2016
Cambridge, MA: The Scientific Press, 2016. (contributor & coeditor with Ioan-Gheorghe Rotaru and Viorica Burcea | ISBN 978-1-945298-04-2 | 411 pages)

Co-EditorThe Holistic Society: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives: Proceedings of Harvard Square Symposium Volume 3 / Year 2017
Cambridge, MA: The Scientific Press, 2018. (contributor & coeditor with Ioan-Gheorghe Rotaru | ISBN 978-1-945298-18-9 e-version; 978-1-945298-19-6 paperback | 380 pages) 

ACADEMIC CONFERENCES | Papers and Leadership Roles (selections)

Unequal World International Conference on Integrity, Freedom, and Trust: A comprehensive understanding of corruption and its effect on human rights.

(United Nations Plaza)(December 8-9, 2021)

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: 'Considerations When Developing Business Data Analytics Projects'. 

Session Chair

24th International RAIS Conference

Session Chair (October 17, 2021)

2nd International Workshop: Scientific Research and Academic Ethics

Workshop Session Presenter | Bucharest, Romania (Virtual)

2020 (November 5) | Integrity and Freedom of Conscience | Presentation Title: “Data Revolution: Ethical Creativity in Scientific Research”

Unequal World Conference

Keynote Speaker and Session Chair | New York, NY (Virtual)

2020 (September 28-29) | Human Development in the Context of Current Global Challenges | Presentation Title: “Will Broadband Internet Become a Public Utility in the Post-COVID United States?”

Romanian Parliament and IPSEC partnership

International Conferences Organizing Committee | Bucharest, Romania

2020 (November 5) | Integrity and Freedom of Conscience

2019 (October 1-2) | Human Dignity and Freedom of Conscience

2018 (November 15) | The Idea of National Unity, Freedom of Conscience and Principles of Democratic Society

Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences
2019 (October 3) | Bucharest, Romania | Brief workshop intervention | Workshop Title: “Scientific Research and Academic Ethics” | Presentation Title: “Science and Communication in Academic Ethics”

ComSymbol 4th International Conference
2018 (November 8-9) | Conference on theme: “Belief in Technology: Mediatization of the Future and the Future of Mediatization” | Aurel Vlaicu University, Arad, Romania | Paper Presentation: “Orthodox Overtures of Religious Diversity: Clues from Confessional Digital Media Coverage”

American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences
2008 (July 22-26) | 32nd Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences | Boston, MA | Economy Round Table, Co-mediator | Paper Presentation: “A snapshot of Romania’s Economic Scene at the time of EU Accession” 

2020 to present: Scientific Committee Member and Organizing Committee Member for Unequal World

2019 to present: Reviewer for International Academic Conferences at the Romanian Parliament on Freedom of Conscience

2019 to present: Textbook Reviewer for SAGE Publication

2017 to present: Chair of Trustees, IPSEC (Harvard-affiliated)

2015 to present: Trustee, RAIS (organizes international conferences via Princeton and John Hopkins)

2012 to present: Scientific Member, Journal of Economics under the Romanian Academy of Arts & Sciences