Denise Simion

Tuesday 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.
Courses Taught
Université Paul-Valéry - Montpellier 3 (France)
Ph.D., Sciences of Information and Communication
Harvard University
M.A., Management (Final GPA: 3.94)
Northeastern University
Certificate in Internet Technologies
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
B.S., Management
"Impact of Practicing Servant Leadership Style Among Chief Nursing Officers (CNO) in Nursing Organizations". M.H. Malak, Co-Authors: W. Lorman, B. Mirza, A. Rundio, D. Simion, M. Simion, 2022.
"Predominantly Practiced Leadership Style of Chief Nursing Officers in Healthcare Organizations". M.H. Malak, Co-Authors: W. Lorman, A. Rundio, D. Simion, M. Simion, 2022. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice.
"Considerations When Developing Business Data Analytics Projects". Unequal World International Conference: Book of Abstracts (2021) ISBN 978-1-945298-44-8.<
“Individual Interests vs. Structural Representation in Postmodern Interreligious Networking: The Case of the Romanian Protestant and Orthodox Seminarians” (with Mihaela Alexandra Tudor) Journal of Beliefs & Values, 42:1 (January 2021) 124-141, DOI:10.1080/13617672.2020.1780392
“Will Broadband Internet Become a Public Utility in the Post-COVID United States?” Unequal World Conference: Book of Abstracts, 2020, 14. (ISBN 978-1-945298-29-5)
“Orthodox Overtures of Religious Diversity: Clues From Confessional Digital Media Coverage” pp. 408-424 in Mihaela Alexandra Tudor and Stefan Bratosin (eds.) Belief in Technology: Mediatization of the Future and the Future of Mediatization, Actes du 43 colloque International ComSymbol les 8–9 novembre 2018, Editions IARSIC et ESSACHESS, Les Arcs, France, 2018. (ISBN 979-10-95923-03-9)
“A Snapshot of Romania’s Economic Scene at the Time of EU Accession” pp.514-517 in Marian Gh. Simion, Ilie Tălpăşanu, (eds.) Proceedings: 32nd Annual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Montréal: Presses internationale polytechnique, 2008. (ISBN 978-2-553-01424-6)
“Notes on the sustainability of the current Orthodox–Protestant elite networking and dialogue in Romania” Montpellier: Institute for Advanced Religious Studies and Internetworking Communication, May 2018.
Volumes (peer-reviewed)
Editor: RAIS Conference Proceedings: The 24th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (2021) ISBN:
978-1-945298-45-5. The Scientific Press, Cambridge, MA/p>
Co-Editor: Unequal World Conference: Book of Abstracts, New York, September 2020. (contributor & coeditor with Nelu Burcea and Marian Simion | ISBN 978-1-945298-29-5 | 78 pages)
Co-Editor: The Phenomenon of Migration: Proceedings of Harvard Square Symposium Volume 2 | Year 2016
Cambridge, MA: The Scientific Press, 2016. (contributor & coeditor with Ioan-Gheorghe Rotaru and Viorica Burcea | ISBN 978-1-945298-04-2 | 411 pages)
Co-Editor: The Holistic Society: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives: Proceedings of Harvard Square Symposium Volume 3 / Year 2017
Cambridge, MA: The Scientific Press, 2018. (contributor & coeditor with Ioan-Gheorghe Rotaru | ISBN 978-1-945298-18-9 e-version; 978-1-945298-19-6 paperback | 380 pages)
ACADEMIC CONFERENCES | Papers and Leadership Roles (selections)
Unequal World International Conference on Integrity, Freedom, and Trust: A comprehensive understanding of corruption and its effect on human rights.
(United Nations Plaza)(December 8-9, 2021)
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: 'Considerations When Developing Business Data Analytics Projects'.
Session Chair
24th International RAIS Conference
Session Chair (October 17, 2021)
2nd International Workshop: Scientific Research and Academic Ethics
Workshop Session Presenter | Bucharest, Romania (Virtual)
2020 (November 5) | Integrity and Freedom of Conscience | Presentation Title: “Data Revolution: Ethical Creativity in Scientific Research”
Unequal World Conference
Keynote Speaker and Session Chair | New York, NY (Virtual)
2020 (September 28-29) | Human Development in the Context of Current Global Challenges | Presentation Title: “Will Broadband Internet Become a Public Utility in the Post-COVID United States?”
Romanian Parliament and IPSEC partnership
International Conferences Organizing Committee | Bucharest, Romania
2020 (November 5) | Integrity and Freedom of Conscience
2019 (October 1-2) | Human Dignity and Freedom of Conscience
2018 (November 15) | The Idea of National Unity, Freedom of Conscience and Principles of Democratic Society
Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences
2019 (October 3) | Bucharest, Romania | Brief workshop intervention | Workshop Title: “Scientific Research and Academic Ethics” | Presentation Title: “Science and Communication in Academic Ethics”
ComSymbol 4th International Conference
2018 (November 8-9) | Conference on theme: “Belief in Technology: Mediatization of the Future and the Future of Mediatization” | Aurel Vlaicu University, Arad, Romania | Paper Presentation: “Orthodox Overtures of Religious Diversity: Clues from Confessional Digital Media Coverage”
American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences
2008 (July 22-26) | 32nd Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences | Boston, MA | Economy Round Table, Co-mediator | Paper Presentation: “A snapshot of Romania’s Economic Scene at the time of EU Accession”
2020 to present: Scientific Committee Member and Organizing Committee Member for Unequal World
2019 to present: Reviewer for International Academic Conferences at the Romanian Parliament on Freedom of Conscience
2019 to present: Textbook Reviewer for SAGE Publication
2017 to present: Chair of Trustees, IPSEC (Harvard-affiliated)
2015 to present: Trustee, RAIS (organizes international conferences via Princeton and John Hopkins)
2012 to present: Scientific Member, Journal of Economics under the Romanian Academy of Arts & Sciences