Elyse Clark
Environmental, Geographic and Public Health Sciences
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Office: Antonucci Science Complex 325
Office Hours
Spring 2025
Courses Taught
Earth Systems Science (GEOG 1000)
Topics: Water Resources and Society (GEOG 2006)
Geology (GEOG 2100)
Geomorphology (GEOG 4200)
Environmental Hydrogeology (GEOG 4600)
- Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Hydrogeochemistry)
- B.S., University of Mary Washington (Geology and Environmental Science)
- Hydrogeology
- Earth Systems Science
- Disturbance Hydrology
- Land Reclamation and Stream Restoration
- Land Use Changes
- Water Quality
- Clark, E.V., C.E. Zipper, D.J. Soucek, and W.L. Daniels. (2020) Contaminants in Appalachian Water Resources Generated by Non-Acid-Forming Coal Mining Materials. In: Appalachia’s Coal-Mined Landscapes. Springer.
- Clark, E.V., C.E. Zipper, W.L Daniels, and M.J. Keefe. 2018. Appalachian coal mine spoil elemental release patterns and depletion. Applied Geochemistry 98:109-120.
- Clark, E.V., W.L. Daniels, C.E. Zipper and K.E. Eriksson. 2018. Mineralogical influences on water quality from weathering of surface coal mine spoils. Applied Geochemistry 91: 97-106. DOI 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.02.001
- Clark, E.V., W.L. Daniels, C.E. Zipper, Z.W. Orndorff, and M.J. Keefe. 2017. Modeling patterns of total dissolved solids release from Central Appalachia, USA mine spoils. Journal of Environmental Quality 46: 55-63. DOI 10.2134/jeq2016.04.0149
- Clark, E.V., B.M. Greer, E.T. Hester, and C.E. Zipper. 2016. Specific conductance-stage relationships in Appalachian valley fill streams. Environmental Earth Sciences 75: 1222. DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-6026-2
- Clark, E.V. and C.E. Zipper. 2016. Vegetation influences near-surface hydrological characteristics on a surface coal mine in eastern USA. Catena 139: 241-249. DOI 10.1016/j.catena.2016.01.004
- Clark, E.V., B.K. Odhiambo, S. Yoon, and L. Pilati. 2015. Hydroacoustic and spatial analysis of sediment fluxes and accumulation rates in two Virginia reservoirs, USA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22:8659-8671. DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-4050x
- Clark, E.V., B.K. Odhiambo, and M.C. Ricker. 2014. Comparative analysis of metal concentrations and sediment accumulation rates in two Virginia reservoirs, USA: Lakes Moomaw and Pelham. Water Air and Soil Pollution 225:1860. DOI 10.1007/s11270-013-1860-2
- Geological Society of America
- American Geophysical Union