Frank Mabee

English Studies School of Arts and Sciences
Frank Mabee teaching in a classroom
978.665.4832 Office: Miller Hall 214B
Office Hours
Spring 2025

Monday and Friday 11 - 12:15 p.m.

Courses Taught

British Literature II: Revolution and Romance (ENGL 2210)
World Literature II: Cultures in Conversation (ENGL 2500)
Approaches to English Studies (ENGL 2999)
Transatlantic Literature (ENGL 3092)
British Romanticism (ENGL 4080)
Literary Theory (ENGL 9000)
Romantic Women Writers (ENGL 9025)
Writing I: Race and Gender in Horror
Writing II: Punk, Style and Rebellion
Gothic Returns: Literature and the Uncanny
Romantic Revolutions: English Radicalism in the 1790s
Games Studies Seminar (Game 4000)
Game Narrative Design (Game 3010)
Topic: Story Game Development (GAME 3000)


Ph.D., University of Southern California (English Literature)
M.A., University of Southern California (English Literature)
B.A., summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, University of Tennessee (English)

Romantic Literature and Culture
The Gothic
Radicalism and Revolutionary Culture and Historiography
Transatlantic Culture
Cultural Studies
The Long Eighteenth Century
Critical Theory
Gender Studies
The Novel
Lyric Poetry
Working-Class and Plebeian Studies

Maritime Radicalism and British Romanticism (book manuscript)
“Mutineers and Rioters: The Significance of Sailors in Gaskell’s North and South.” Under submission to Narrative.