Hong Yu
Engineering Technology
School of Business and Technology

Office: Conlon Hall 204
Office Hours
Spring 2025
on sabbatical Spring 2025 semester
Courses Taught
CSC 3560 Mobile Application Development
ENGT 1000 Electrical Systems & Circuits
ENGT 2050 Electronics I
ENGT 2055 Electronics II
ENGT 3015 Digital Electronics
ENGT 3016 Advanced Digital Electronics
ENGT 3900 Device Interface Design
ENGT 4050 Microprocessor & Microcontroller Embedded System
ENGT 4100 Control Theory
ITEC 4100 Industrial Electronics
ITEC 4110 Electronic Communications Systems
ITEC 4120 Microprocessor-Based Control Systems
ITEC 4900 Independent Study
- PhD in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, The Catholic University of America
Research Interests:
- EEG-Based BCI Systems for Emotion Recognition
- Big Data Analysis for Earthquake Nowcast
- Internet of Thing
- Autonomous Robotic
- Neural Networks (ANN&BNN) Applications
- Access Protocol for Wireless Network
- FPGA/VLSIC and Embedded Systems Development
- Analog Data Acquisition
Research Projects:
- Multiple Access Protocol for Wireless Network (5G)
- Collaborative Development of a Microcontroller Training System for Two and Four Year Distance Learning Engineering Students, NSF
- Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (TUES) Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI), NSF
- Maryland State Climate Changes
- Earthquake Nowcast System Platform Development
- Hong Yu, Marcus Perla, Fanming Liu, “A Multiple Access Protocol for Multimedia Transmission over 5G Wireless Asynchronous Transfer Mode Network”, IEEE Xplore, May, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/AIIoT52608.2021.9454218
- Hong Yu, Alex Pyankov, Marcus Perla, “A Developed Sensor for Color Identification, Sorting and Counting Automation Control System”, EJERS, European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research Vol. 6, No. 2, pp75-80, February 2021, DOI:10.24018/EJERS.2021.6.2.2363
- Hong Yu, Joushua Lorrain, Fanming Liu, Cory Lo, “Cross-platform for the development environment of smart home system”, IEEE Xplore, Dec. 2020, DOI: 10.1109/UEMCON51285.2020.9298058
- Jing Wang, Anqi Hou, Yuanfei Tu, Hong Yu, “An Improved DV-Hop Localization Algorithm Based on Selected Anchors”, Computers, Materials & Continua (CMC), ISBN: 1546-2226, Vol.65, No.1, pp 977-991, January, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.011003
- Hong Yu, Maoyong Cao, Tanbo Zhu and Fanming Liu, “Study of Heating Device for Sulfur Hexafluoride Gasification” Sensor Letter, 18(2), 157–163, February,2019, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1166/sl.2020.4201
- Hong Yu, Harold Szu and H. Huang, “Smartphones, Grounds, Satellites, UAVs for Earthquake Nowcast", IEEE Xplore, July, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/CCWC.2019.8666622
- Harold Szu, Mike Wardlaw, Jeff Willey, Hong Yu, “Theory of Glial cells & Neurons emulating Biological Neural Networks (BNN) for Natural Intelligence (NI) operated effortlessly at a Minimum Free Energy (MFE)”, MOJ Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 1(1), pp. 1-26. January, 2017
- Hong Yu, Xuezhen Cheng, Maoyong Cao, Xiaohang Gao, “Implement an Advanced Soft Measurement Method of Mine Dust Concentration Based on K-RBF Neural Network “, International journal of engineering and technology, page 772-780, Vol 7, No.2, May 2015
- Hong Yu, Phillip Johns, “Study of Automated CMOS Cell Design Simulation and Production”, Journal of Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg, Vol 64, pp 265-269, February, 2014
- Xuezhen Cheng, Hong Yu, Maoyong Cao “A Multi-scale Analysis Method of the Dust Electrostatic Signals Based On the db2 Wavelet and the Fractal R/S” Journal of Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg, page 54-59, Vol 64, No.2, Feb. 2014
- Maoyong Cao, Xuezhen Cheng, Hong Yu, “The advance sensor applied to dust-charged detection”. IEEE Xplore, June, 2013, DOI: 10.1109/EDSSC.2013.6628171
- Chang-Zhi Lv, Di Fan, Qin-Guang Cai, Hong Yu. “A New Phase Difference Measurement Method and Its Implementation Based on FPGA”, Sensor Letters, Vol 10, pp 1270-1275, May 2012, DOI:10.1166/sl.2012.2291
- Mao-Yong Cao, Di Fan, Qin-Guang Cai, Hong Yu. “Measuring Thickness of Borehole Sediments by Using Ultrasonic Technology”. Sensor Letters, Vol 10, pp 1203-1208, May 2012, DOI:10.1166/sl.2012.2292
- Di Fan, Jia Li, Mao-Yong Cao, Nong-Liang Sun, Hong Yu, “Recognizing Check Magnetic Code Based on Peak-Valley Code and Distance”, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 145, page 588-592, Dec.2011, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.145.588
- Hong Yu and Mohammed Arozullah, “A Multiple Access Protocol for Multimedia Transmission over Wireless Network”, International journal of Modern Engineering (IJME), Vol.11, page 77-85,March, 2011, DOI:10.5121/ijcnc.2011.3208
Peer Reviewed Conferences:
- Hong Yu, Joushua Lorrain,“The Computerized Sensor Data Displaying on LCD and Smart Phone Synchronously in Environment Monitor System”, Proceedings of IAJC-ATMAE 2020 Joint Conference (Virtual), October,2020
- Hong Yu, Cory Lo, “Color Recognition, Sorting and Counting Automation Control System”, Proceedings of IAJC-ATMAE 2020 Joint Conference (Virtual), October,2020
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Senior Member
- IEEE Electron Devices Society, Regular Member
- IEEE Robotic Society, Regular Member
- IEEE ROBOT Chapter of Worcester County Section, Vice Chairperson
- IEEE AESS Chapter of Baltimore Section, Vice Chairperson
- FIRST LEGO League, USA, Judge
- Robot Challenge of IEEE Baltimore Section, Judge