Katherine Jewell
Tuesday, 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.
Thursday, 12:30 - 1:45 p.m.
Courses Taught
Ph.D., Boston University (History), 2010
M.A., Boston University (History), 2005
B.A., Vanderbilt University (History and Anthropology Honors), 2001
U.S. Political and Cultural History: 20th century conservatism, southern politics, popular music, media and culture, identity and politics
U.S. Economic History: business history, economic development and policy, the Sunbelt
Jewell, K.R. (2017). Dollars for Dixie: Business and the Transformation of Conservatism in the Twentieth Century. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Jewell, K.R. (2017). "Worlds Collide: The Boston Marathon Bombing, Historical Thinking, and Empathy." The American Historian, 12.
Jewell, K.R. (2013). "Selling the Right: Republican Rhetoric and the Shaping of Party and Nation." American Studies Journal, 52(2), pp. 103-113. doi: 10.1353/ams.2013.0030
Jewell, K.R. (2011). "Gun Cotton: Southern Industry, International Trade, and the Rise of the Republican Party in the 1950's." In G. Feldman (Ed.), Painting Dixie Red: When, Where, Why, and How the South Became Republican (New Perspectives on the History of the South). University of Florida Press.
Book Reviews
Book reviews published in: The Journal of American History, Enterprise and Society, The Journal of Southern History, Journal of American Ethnic History, History (U.K.), Tennessee Historical Quarterly, and The Southern Historian.