Michael Hove
Psychological Science
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Office: McKay Complex 268
Office Hours
Fall 2024
Tuesdays 12:20 - 1:50 p.m.
Fridays 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.
Courses Taught
Intro to Psychological Science (PSY 1100)
Research Design and Analysis I (PSY 2000)
Research Design and Analysis II (PSY 2100)
Cognitive Neuroscience (PSY 3050)
Sensation and Perception (PSY 3430)
Sensation and Perception Lab (PSY 3415)
Psychology of Music - Advanced Seminar (PSY 4904)
Science of Meditation - Advanced Seminar (PSY 4904)
Ph.D., Cornell University (Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience)
M.A., University of Munich ( Educational Psychology)
B.A., Washington University in St. Louis (Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology)
Rhythm and timing
Sensorimotor synchronization
Music cognition
Auditory perception
Interpersonal synchrony
Timing in Parkinson’s disease and ADHD
Altered states of consciousness
Hearing Loss
Multisensory Integration
Full publication list and links to papers here: https://sites.google.com/site/michaeljhove/publications
Selected publications:
1 Denotes student author
Hove, M. J., Martinez, S.1, & Stupacher, J. (2020). Feel the bass: Music presented to tactile and auditory modalities increases aesthetic appreciation and body movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, 1137–1147.
Hove, M. J., Vuust, P., & Stupacher, J. (2019). Increased levels of bass in popular music recordings 1955–2016 and their relation to loudness. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145.
Hove, M. J., Gravel, N.1, Spencer, R.M., & Valera, E. M. (2017). Finger tapping and the phase correction response in adults with ADHD: Pre-attentive sensorimotor timing is unimpaired in ADHD. Experimental Brain Research, 235, 3663-3672.
Hove, M. J., Stelzer, J., Nierhaus, T., Thiel, S., Gundlach, C., Margulies, D., van Dijk, K., Turner, R., Keller, P. E., & Merker, B. (2016). Brain network reconfiguration and perceptual decoupling during an absorptive state of consciousness. Cerebral Cortex, 26, 3116-3124.
Stupacher, J.1, Hove, M. J., & Janata, P. (2016). Audio features underlying perceived groove and sensorimotor synchronization in music. Music Perception, 33, 571-589.
Hove, M. J., Marie, C., Bruce, I. C., & Trainor, L. J. (2014). Superior time perception for lower musical pitch explains why bass-ranged instruments lay down musical rhythms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(28), 10383-10388.
Hove, M. J., Fairhurst, M., Kotz, S. A., & Keller, P. E. (2013). Synchronizing with auditory and visual rhythms: An fMRI assessment of modality differences and encoding reliability. NeuroImage, 67, 313-321.
Stupacher, J.1, Hove, M. J., Novembre, G., Schütz-Bosbach, S., & Keller, P. E. (2013). Musical groove modulates motor excitability: A TMS investigation. Brain and Cognition, 82, 127-136.
Hove, M. J., Suzuki, K. 1, Uchitomi, H. 1, Orimo, S., & Miyake, Y. (2012). Interactive rhythmic auditory stimulation reinstates natural 1/f timing in gait of Parkinson’s patients. PLoS ONE, 7(3): e32600.
Hove, M. J. & Risen, J. L. (2009). It’s all in the timing: Interpersonal synchrony increases affiliation. Social Cognition, 27(6), 949-961.