Ozge Ozay

Economics, History and Political Science School of Arts and Sciences
Ozge Ozay
978.665.3472 Office: Miller Hall 310
Office Hours
Spring 2025

Wednesday, 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Thursday, 11 am - 1 pm

Courses Taught

Principles of Economics - Macroeconomics (ECON 1100)
Global Issues (IDIS/POLS 1800)
Political Economy of Gender (ECON 2010)
Money and Banking (ECON 2400)
Basic Data Skills for Economics and Business (ECON 3002)
International Economics (ECON 3550)
Intermediate Macroeconomics (ECON 3650)


Ph.D., University of Utah (Economics)
B.S., Middle East Technical University (Economics)
Assistant Professor of Economics, 2016

Economics of Gender

International Economics


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Gezici, A. & Ozay, O. (2020). "An Intersectional Analysis of Covid 19 Unemployment" to be published in the Journal of Economics, Race and Policy in December 2020

Memis, E. & Ozge, O. (2018). “Changing Structure of Exports and Product Sophistication in the East and Southeast Asian Region.” The International Trade Journal, 33(6), pp. 495-518. doi: 10.1080/08853908.2018.1445050

Ozge, O. (2011). “Implications of Trade Policy Changes on Gender Inequalities,” Feminist Critique, Ankara University. doi: 10.1501/Fe0001_0000000054

Ozge, O. (2015). “Is Capital Deepening Process Male-Biased?” Structural Change and Economic Dynamics35, pp. 26-37. doi: 10.1016/j.strueco.2015.09.002

Book Chapters and Books

Memis, E. & Ozge, O. (2011). “From Domestic Activities to Unpaid Labor.” In S. Sancar (Ed.), Women Studies in Turkey: 1975-2011. Koc University Press.

Memis, E. et al. “Unpaid Work.” In F. Başkaya & A. Ördek (Eds.), Dictionary of Economic Institutions and Concepts.

Ozge, O. (2010). "Gender Inequalities, Capital Deepening and Trade in Turkey’s Manufacturing Industry: 1990-2001." VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.


“Time Poverty of Women and Men in Different Household Structures in Turkey”, presented in Midwest Economics Association, March 15-17 2019, St. Louis, MO.

“Teaching Feminist Ways of Knowing”, presented in NEPES (New England Philosophy of Education Society), October 20, 2018, Tufts University, MA.

“Time Poor Women in the U.S.”, presented in IAFFE Annual Conference, 19 June- 21 June 2018, SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz, NY.

“Women’s Time Poverty in Turkey” presented in IAFFE Annual Conference, 29 June- 1 July 2017, Seoul, South Korea.

Ozge, O. (2007). “Price-Wage Determination ­Mechanisms in the Turkish Textile Sector: 1980-2005.” Allied Social Sciences Association. Chicago, IL.

Memis, E. & Ozge, O. (2006). “Essay on Feminist Economics Paradigm: Reiterating the Manifestations of Gender Inequalities.” Association for Institutional Thought. Phoenix, AZ.


AEA - American Economic Association (Member)
IAFFE - International Association for Feminist Economists (Member)

URPE - Union for Radical Political Economics (Member)