Robert Carr

Communications Media School of Arts and Sciences
Rob Carr outside in the snow
978.665.3509 Office: Conlon Hall 336
Office Hours

Thursday 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Friday 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM and 3:15 PM to 4:15 PM
Also by appointment

Courses Taught

Introduction to Communication & Media Studies (COMM 1105)
Message Design (COMM 1120)
Introduction to Professional Communication (COMM 3010)
Writing for Advertising (COMM 3430)
Public Relations (COMM 3460)
Document Design (COMM 3470)
Writings in Aesthetics (COMM 4000)
Marketing Communication (COMM 4212)
Organizational Communication (COMM 4220)


Ph.D., Wayne State University (Rhetoric & Composition), 2002
M.A., Eastern Michigan University (Written Communication), 1997
Secondary Certification, Eastern Michigan University (English Language and Literature, History), 1994
​B.S., Eastern Michigan University, (English Language and Literature), 1993
B.G.S., University of Michigan, (English Literature and History) 1990

Marketing Communication
Communication Theory
Professional Writing
Creative Nonfiction
Writing Across the Curriculum

Dr. Carr is the coach of the Fitchburg State University Advertising Team, which competes annually in the National Student Advertising Competition.

He is studying the discourse between human, technology and the environment with an eye to better understanding technological determinism and its long-term implications. His inductive approach to theorizing from critical readings of communication practices translates into the cross-pollination of theory and production in his courses, which span communication theory, technical communication and professional writing.