J.J. Sylvia IV ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Communications Media School of Arts and Sciences jsylvia3@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3418 Office: CNIC 335
Elisabet Takehana PROFESSOR English Studies School of Arts and Sciences etakehan@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3141 Office: Miller Hall 214A
Jason Talanian PROFESSOR AND DEPARTMENT CHAIR Exercise and Sports Science School of Health and Natural Sciences jtalania@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3396 Office: Exercise and Sports Science, Room100-A
Donald Tarallo PROFESSOR Communications Media School of Arts and Sciences dtarallo@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.4473 Office: Conlon Hall 314
Teresa Fava Thomas PROFESSOR Economics, History and Political Science School of Arts and Sciences tthomas@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.4587 Office: Miller Hall 314A
Samuel Tobin PROFESSOR Communications Media School of Arts and Sciences stobin2@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3046 Office: Conlon 326
Kisha Tracy PROFESSOR English Studies School of Arts and Sciences ktracy3@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.4827 Office: Miller Hall 204
Debra Turner INSTRUCTOR Education School of Education dturner1@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3899 Office: McKay C115
Diego Ubiera ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR English Studies School of Arts and Sciences dubiera@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3610 Office: Miller Hall 209
Wafa Unus ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR English Studies School of Arts and Sciences wunus@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3266 Office: Miller Hall 205