Benjamin Railton

Monday and Wednesday 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.
Courses Taught
Ph.D., Temple University (English, American Literature)
B.A., Magna Cum Laude, Harvard University (American History and Literature)
American historical literature
American ethnic literature
American studies
American identity
Public scholarship
The Gilded Age
Contemporary literature
Science fiction and fantasy literature
21st century America
Exclusion & Inclusion: The Battle to Define America
Black History is American History: Four Figures Who Changed the Story (manuscript in progress)
"Vincent J. Mara Excellence in Teaching Award" Spring 2015
"Faculty Award for Research and Scholarship" Spring 2014
"Two Wrongs and a Right: What the Chinese Exclusion Act Can Teach Us about America," AFLA Food for Thought Lecture, Spring 2015
American Studies Blog
Advisor, American Writers Museum
Editorial Board, Encyclopedia of American Studies
Of Thee I Sing: The Contested History of American Patriotism (2021).
We the People: The 500-Year Battle over Who is an American (2019).
History and Hope in American Literature: Models of Critical Patriotism (2016).
The Chinese Exclusion Act: What It Can Teach Us About America (2013).
Redefining American Identity: From Cabeza de Vaca to Barack Obama (2011).
Contesting the Past, Reconstructing the Nation: American Literature and Culture in the Gilded Age, 1876-1893 (2007).
AmericanStudies scholarly blog ( November 2010-present.
Contributor to Saturday Evening Post (current monthly column), Huffington Post, Washington Post’s Made by History blog, Talking Points Memo, We’re History, The Conversation, The American Prospect, and many other websites.
ASA American Studies Association
ALA American Literature Association
NEASA New England American Studies Association
NeMLA Northeast Modern Language Association
MLA Modern Language Association
SSN Scholars Strategy Network