Christopher Cratsley

Biology and Chemistry School of Health and Natural Sciences
Christopher K. Cratsley, Ph.D., Biology and Chemistry
978.665.3617 Office: Antonucci Science Complex 225
Office Hours
Fall 2024


Courses Taught

Introduction to Life Science (BIOL 1000)
General Biology II (BIOL 1900)
Animal Behavior (BIOL 2600)
Methods in Teaching Science (BIOL 4850)
Practicum in a Secondary School I (BIOL 4860)
Practicum in a Secondary School II (BIOL 4870)
Life Science II
Topics in Biological Inquiry Through Computer Technology
Methods in Teaching Biology and Earth Science


Ph.D., Tufts University (Biology), 2000
B.A., Undergraduate Teacher Education Program, Brown University (Biology), 1991

Research developing and applying embedded computer systems to determine the ecology of firefly flash behavior
Research on mating behavior in Pieris rapae
Computer-based tools for Biological inquiry

IT Across the Curriculum CITI Grant for "Biological Inquiry Through Computer Technology" #201-1024FSC Awarded March 2001 for development of course materials integrating Information Technology and Biological Research
Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research Awarded 1999 for research on sexual selection in fireflies