Daniel Sarefield

Economics, History and Political Science School of Arts and Sciences
Daniel Sarefield
978.665.4804 Office: Miller Hall 313
Office Hours
Spring 2025

Tuesday, 2 – 3:15 p.m.
Thursday, 11 - 12:15 p.m.

Courses Taught

World Civilizations I (HIST 1000)
Ancient Greece and Rome (HIST 2020)
The Byzantine Empire (HIST 2054)
The Silk Roads in History and Culture (HIST 2290)
The European Middle Ages (HIST 2530)
Life in the Roman City (HIST 3422)
Senior Seminar (HIST 4500)
The Silk Roads (HIST 9016)
Roman Society and Culture (HIST 9017)
​Topics: The Age of the Caesars
Topics: Empires of the Steppes
Topics: Special Studies in Medieval History
Independent Study: Readings in Early Islamic History
Independent Study: Religion and Magic in Ancient Rome
Independent Study: Delphi and the Delphic Oracle
Independent Study: Empires of the Steppes
Independent Study: Geography & Culture of the Middle East
Latin for Beginners I (LATN 1000)
Latin for Beginners II (LATN 1100)
Intermediate Latin I (LATN 2000)
Intermediate Latin II (LATN 2100)
Reading Latin Inscriptions (LATN 3000)
Topics: Special Studies in Latin
Independent Study: Latin for Beginners I
Independent Study: Latin for Beginners II
Independent Study: Intermediate Latin I
Independent Study: Intermediate Latin II
Independent Study: Ovid
Independent Study: Catullus
Independent Study: Apuleius
Independent Study: Readings in Latin


Ph.D., The Ohio State University (Ancient History)
M.A., The Ohio State University (Ancient History)
B.A., Miami University (Religion and History)
Associate Professor of History
Graduate Program Chair, Master of Arts in History

My scholarly interests, broadly defined, revolve around religions, rituals, and books. I am currently revising my dissertation for publication as a series of articles and a monograph, Burning Books in Ancient Rome, which explores the phenomenon of book burning from its earliest origins during the Roman Republic through the later Roman and Byzantine eras. Although I plan to continue to research and publish on the subject of religion and violence in the ancient world following the completion of my monograph, I have opened up a new research field connected to my teaching on the Silk Roads and hope to begin to devote my energies to this endeavor more completely following the completion of my current project.

Book Chapters

Sarefield, D. (2018). "Book Burning in Livy: Text and Context." In A. Gillmeister (Ed.), Rerum gestarum monumentis et memoriae. Cultural Readings in Livy (pp. 13-32). Warsaw, Poland: Warsaw University Press.

Sarefield, D. (2007). "The Symbolics of Book Burning: The Establishment of a Christian Ritual of Persecution." In W.E. Klingshirn & L. Safran (Eds.), The Early Christian Book (pp. 159-73). Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.

Sarefield, D. (2006). "Book Burning in the Christian Roman Empire: Transforming a Pagan Rite of Purification." In H.A. Drake (Ed.), Violence in Late Antiquity: Perceptions and Practices (pp. 287-96). Aldershot, Hampshire, England: Ashgate.

Sarefield, D. (2006). "Dimensions of Terrorism." In T.E. Gregory (Ed.), Exploring the European Past: Texts and Images. Columbus, Ohio: Department of History, Ohio State University and Thomson Learning Custom Publishers.

Forthcoming Publications

Sarefield, D. (Forthcoming). "The Cult of Glykon as a 'New Religious Movement.'" In P. Johnston et al (Eds.), Egyptian and Eastern Cults in the Roman Empire. Debrecen, Hungary: Acta Classica Universtatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis.

Sarefield, D. (Forthcoming). "'To the Ravens': Curses from the Oracle of Abonouteichos." In P. Johnston et al (Eds.), Curses and Blessings in Antiquity. Debrecen, Hungary: Acta Classica Universtatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis.

Professional Papers and Presentations

Sarefield, D. (2018). "'To the Ravens': Curses from the Oracle of Abonouteichos." Symposium Classicum Peregrinum 2018: "Curses and Blessings in Antiquity." Lonato del Garda, Italy.

Sarefield, D. (2017). "Integrating Glykon." Symposium Classicum Peregrinum 2017: "Egyptian and Eastern Cults in the Roman Empire." Szombathely and Sopron, Hungary.

Sarefield, D. (2016). "Book Burning in Roman Memory and Representation." 19th Annual Mediterranean Studies Association International Congress. Università degli studi di Palermo, Sicily, Italy.

Sarefield, D. (2014). "Book Burning after Augustus." International Conference Commemorating Augustus: A Bi-millennial Re-evaluation. University of Leeds, Leeds, England, United Kingdom.

Sarefield, D. (2014). "Book Burning after Augustus." Symposium on the Age of Augustus. Gazzo Veronese, Italy.

Sarefield, D. (2013). "'If I Return to Scythia a Better Man than I Left': Anacharsis the Wise Barbarian." International Conference in the Reception of Greek and Roman Culture in East Asia: Texts & Artefacts, Institutions & Practices. Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany.

Sarefield, D. (2012). "The Roman Origins of Book Burning." 15th Annual Mediterranean Studies Association International Congress. Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Pula, Croatia.

Sarefield, D. (2012). "The Roman Origins of Book Burning." Association of Ancient Historians 2012 Annual Meeting. Duke University and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Durham and Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Invited Papers

Sarefield, D. (2016). "Book Burning After Augustus." Classics Lecture. Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.

Sarefield, D. (2011). "The Roman Origins of Book Burning." American and International Studies Colloquium Series. Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah, New Jersey.

Other Professional Presentations

Sarefield, D. (2017). "Building Continuity into a Short Term Study Abroad Program." 2017 NAFSA (Association of International Educators) Region XI Conference (faculty panelist). Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

Sarefield, D. (2016). Medieval Studies for Secondary Educators Workshop (Panelist). Fitchburg State University, Fitchburg, Massachusetts.

Sarefield, D. (2015). Robert Cormier: Censorship and Intolerance. A Symposium (Panelist). Fitchburg State University, Fitchburg, Massachusetts.

Sarefield, D. (2013). "Fahrenheit 451: Banning Books; Burning Books." Public lecture. Fitchburg Historical Society, Fitchburg, Massachusetts.