Terms and Conditions
The Fitchburg State University OneCard identifies the cardholder as a student, faculty, staff or invited guest of the University. Upon receiving the card the individual agrees to the following terms and conditions:
Authorization for Personal Use Only
Every student is required to have a valid Fitchburg State University OneCard (university identification). The OneCard is property of Fitchburg State University. Use of the OneCard constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions identified herein. The authorized holder of the Fitchburg State University OneCard has the responsibility to follow the procedures described in this agreement.
Penalties for Unauthorized Use
You are responsible for safeguarding your OneCard against loss or theft, for maintaining it in proper working condition, and for keeping your online account password confidential. The Fitchburg State University OneCard shall not be loaned or otherwise transferred to another person. You may not use your OneCard for any illegal, improper or unlawful purpose. Using someone else’s OneCard, or altering, falsifying or selling a OneCard or a copy of a OneCard, is prohibited and subject to sanctions, pursuant to applicable University policies and procedures and may also be subject to civil or criminal proceedings.
Obligation to Report Lost or Stolen Card
The cardholder is obligated to report a lost or stolen Fitchburg State University OneCard immediately. This report must be made to the OneCard Office during normal business hours, after hours please contact Fitchburg State University Campus Police. You will be held responsible for any use of your card until it is reported lost or stolen, at which time the card is declared inactive and a new card is issued. It may be necessary at certain times to communicate with the OneCard Office. Correspondence should be addressed to:
Fitchburg State University
OneCard Office
160 Pearl Street
Fitchburg, MA 01420
Lost or Stolen Card Policy
If a OneCard should be lost or stolen, the student shall be charged a $25.00 replacement fee. Lost or stolen cards are not subject to the one free replacement card per academic year policy.
Damaged Card Policy
Currently enrolled students are eligible for one free card replacement per academic year if the damaged card is surrendered to the OneCard Office. All subsequent damaged card replacements will cost $15.00 as long as the card is surrendered. Worn cards with a missing name or photo must be replaced.
Limit of Responsibilities
The cardholder may have unlimited responsibility for unauthorized purchases.
Availability of Periodic Statements
Upon the request of the cardholder, and with presentation of proper identification, information about the cardholder’s account balance or transaction record is available at the Fitchburg State University OneCard Office. Statements can also be generated using the MyAccounts Card Office website.
Fitchburg Gold Account Balances and Receipts
Only the cardholder’s account balance will display on cash registers and certain machines accepting the Fitchburg State University OneCard for financial transactions. All other account balances can be accessed using the eAccounts website or mobile app.
Carry-Forward Balance
Funds deposited to either the Fitchburg Gold or Falcon Dollar accounts will carry forward from semester to semester. However, Falcon Dollars are non-refundable. Dining Points do not carry forward from one semester to the next. Dining Points must be used during the semester they are purchased.
Fitchburg Gold Inactive Account Charges
If a OneCard with a positive balance in Fitchburg Gold has sustained no financial activity for a period of 365 days or more, the account will be determined to be inactive and a monthly inactive account maintenance fee of $10 will be assessed against the account until the account is returned to active status or the account balance reaches $0.
No Interest Earned on Account
No interest or other earnings will be paid to the cardholder or credited by Fitchburg State University to his or her Fitchburg State University OneCard account.
Refund Account Balance
Refunds are available by submitting a OneCard Credit or Refund Request (Dynamic Forms) when your relationship with Fitchburg State University is terminated (either through graduation, withdrawal, expulsion, or leaving employment). A refund request form must be completed and received by the Fitchburg State University OneCard office. A $25 account balance refund processing fee will be charged to the account. Refunds take 4–6 weeks. Cardholders with a balance of $25 or less in their account are encouraged to spend the balance on campus.
Door Access
The Fitchburg State University OneCard can be used to operate certain campus security points such as doors much in the same manner as a key. The campus representative authorized to make decisions regarding the appropriate access for the card user approves the profile of each cardholder. A profile may be changed, without notice, by the Campus Card Office when it is deemed necessary or appropriate.
Library Card
The Fitchburg State University OneCard operates as the Fitchburg State University Library Card for the Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library. The OneCard number on the front of the card is also your library number. Privileges to take material out on loan from the library are granted to all Fitchburg State University students, staff and alumni. Borrowing privileges may be suspended due to excess fines or overdue materials. Other rules and limitations regarding the use of materials at the Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library may be found on the library website.
Campus Vending
The Fitchburg State University OneCard will allow access to almost all campus vending. If there is a problem with a vending machine or you need a refund, it is your responsibility to contact Chartwells Dining Services in the Holmes Dining Commons at 978.345.4865. Vandalism to any vending machine will result in the immediate denial of the cardholder’s vending privileges and possible judicial action.
Meal Ticket
The Fitchburg State University OneCard allows cardholders to participate in meal plans provided by Chartwells. Failure to present your OneCard at Holmes Dining Hall will result in denied admission to the dining hall. Under no circumstances will anyone be allowed to use Falcon Dollars at the Hammond Bistro or McKay Café without presenting the Fitchburg State University OneCard. Worn cards with a missing name and photo will be denied entry to a dining facility and must be replaced.
The purchase of alcohol, cigarettes, gift cards, and lottery tickets via the OneCard is prohibited.