Materials Management is responsible for receiving all equipment, supplies and furnishings shipped to the University, deliveries, inventory and storage of surplus property. We also recycle print/ink cartridges and burnt fluorescent tubes.
Delivery Times
Furniture and packages received at the Service Center are entered into Banner and delivered to the campus the next day. Overnight and next day parcels are delivered same day. Student packages are transferred to the Student Mail Center on the same day they are received.
Inventory Control
The maintaining of the university inventory system is coordinated by the personnel in the Material Management Department. Items costing more than $1,000.00 are bar coded and entered into the inventory database. Only then are they dispersed throughout the campus.
Departments receiving goods directly from a vendor should notify Materials Management so that items can be properly received, and bar coded into the university inventory. When items are moved within a department or loaned to other departments, Materials Management should be notified so that the inventory database can be updated.
Lost/Stolen Property
In the event of lost or stolen property, notify Campus Police at 978.665.3111 in order for the proper forms to be filled out.
Surplus Property
Unwanted furnishings or surplus equipment must be processed in accordance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Surplus Property Office. Materials Management should be notified if there are any unwanted surplus items in your department.
Printer/Ink Cartridges
Please contact Materials Management for pick-up of any recycled printer/ink cartridges. Cartridges can also be left with the mail to be picked up.
- Papers and Supplies Request Form (Dynamic Forms)