The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) supports a wide variety of programs for full-time and adjunct faculty and librarians, including:
- The mentorship of incoming faculty and librarians
- Grants to encourage the use of new technologies or teaching methods in the classroom
- A host of pedagogical and instructional technology workshops
- The faculty speakers' series
- Annual, summer institutes
The CTL is located in Library 212, right above the circulation desk. Though staffed only occasionally, it is open to all faculty and librarians during standard business hours.
For more information about past and upcoming events or to apply for funding, please visit our website.
The Center for Teaching and Learning at Fitchburg State University enhances the teaching and learning experiences of all faculty, librarians, and students by sustaining, promoting, and celebrating pedagogical practice, innovation, and excellence. The Center’s opportunities for collaboration and professional development advance a culture of creative inquiry into the scholarship, science, and art of teaching and learning. The Center supports the mission of the University and enriches the University’s academic community through its programs and resources.
The Center for Teaching and Learning seeks to develop a culture focused on the scholarship of teaching, learning, and student success. To meet that end, the Center will capitalize on faculty and librarian expertise, fund faculty travel, host experts in the areas of critical thinking and pedagogy, and develop mechanisms for peer feedback, including one-on-one consultations and learning communities. Essential to this process will be increased faculty engagement in sponsored activities and the expansion of ongoing collaborations with academic departments, information technology, administrative offices, and student support services. The Center strives to develop a regional and national reputation for excellence.
Learning Hours
The third Tuesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. is dedicated to the CTL Teaching and Learning Hour.
Summer Institutes
Stay tuned for information about upcoming summer institutes.