Submit an Abstract

What is an Abstract?

An abstract/proposal is a short statement (limited to 250 words) about your poster or oral presentation that is designed to give the reader a complete, yet concise, understanding of your idea, research, and/or findings. It is a mini-version of your paper. A well-prepared abstract allows a reader to quickly and accurately identify the basic content of your paper. Readers should be able to read your abstract to see if the related research is of interest to them.

Proposals for other types of presentations (visual arts, performances, etc.) should provide a short description of the artwork and any relevant material that will aid the audience.

Examples of past abstracts


Conference Registration Begins: January 31, 2025
Conference Registration Ends: February  28, 2025
Conference Day: April 17, 2025

Before starting the application, make sure you have the following information:

  • Title of your presentation/creative work
  • Type of presentation/creative work
  • An abstract/proposal (for oral and poster presentations)
  • A description (for artwork, videos, and theatrical performances)
  • A faculty sponsor and faculty sponsor's email address
  • The proper names, spelling, and email addresses of any co-authors

Note: You must list your sponsor and your sponsor's email address and department. This should be a faculty member from Fitchburg State University. Faculty sponsors are responsible for approving abstracts for the conference.

Submission Links

Proposal Submission

  • Posters on research and creative practice
  • Oral presentations on research and creative practice
  • Lightning talks
  • Visual arts
  • Music performances
  • Theatrical performances

Creative Writing Showcase Submission

Roundtable Discussions

Questions? Let us know!