Report and Impact on Giving

Report on Giving

Please note that the annual report on giving reflects gifts made to the Fitchburg State University Foundation, Inc. between July 1 and June 30. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of our information, if you see an error, please let us know and we can make the correction on the webpage. For questions or comments please contact:

Kelly Sylvia '03, '11,
Director of Donor Relations
Fitchburg State University
160 Pearl St
Fitchburg, MA 01420
978.665.4558 or

Giving Societies

The Thompson Hall Society is the only lifetime society of the Fitchburg State University Foundation, Inc. All other societies are based on annual giving during the fiscal year.


A Hand Up Charitable Foundation
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Arbella Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Arnold Worldwide
Associated General Contractors of Massachusetts, Inc
Avantor Sciences Foundation
Benevity, Inc.
BNY Mellon Community Partnership
Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Carol Mulloy Cuttle Foundation, Inc.
Chartwells College & University Dining Services
ChemDesign Corp.
Clementi Family Charitable Trust
CohnReznick LLP
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts
Congregation Agudas Achim
Congress Asset Management
Constance S. Cormier & Robert E. Cormier Trust
Data Guide Cable Corp.
Davis Educational Foundation
DiNinno Family Dental
Douglas & Isabelle Crocker Foundation
Dunkin Donuts
Eaton Vance Investment Counsel
Elaine N Marieb Charitable Foundation
Enterasys Networks
Enterprise Wealth Management
Epsilon Beta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau
Estate of Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio '38
Estate of Dr. Elaine Marieb
Estate of Helen Hornsey
Estate of Leo V. Gittzus
Estate of Marcia A Palo
Estate of Marilyn M Pula
Estate of Mary Ann Zimmerman
Estate of Virginia A. Gaffey
Estate of Wallace E. Holznagel
Fairlawn Foundation
Family Federal Savings
Fidelity Bank
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fidelity Non-Profit Management Foundation
Fitchburg Mutual Insurance Co.
Follett Higher Education Group
Foster-Healey Real Estate
George I. Alden Trust
Good Samaritan Inc.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
IC Federal Credit Union
Jabil Healthcare
James Family Charitable Fund
Leominster Credit Union
Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation
Marcia A. Palo Trust
Mary F. & Mary Frances Burnham Trust
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency
Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities
Merrimack Education Center
MetLife Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Monique Knowlton Collection
Montuori Oil Co.
Murphy Family Foundation
Nashoba Valley Community Healthcare
New England Foundation for the Arts, Inc.
Newman Center
Northern Trust
Officer Ronald Tarentino Jr. Charitable Fund
Primavera Systems, Inc.
Random House Children's Books
Richard and Linda Brooks Foundation
Robert Stowe Jr. Living Trust
Rollstone Bank & Trust
Schwab Charitable
Sentinel & Enterprise
Slattery's Restaurant & Bar
Solid As A Rock Foundation
Sterilite Corp.
Technographics, Inc.
The Donald and Karen Irving Charitable Fund
The George R. Wallace Foundation
The Knapp Foundation, Inc.
The Scott & Susan Bentley Fund
Tonkin Realty Limited Partnership
U. S. Charitable Trust
UMass HealthAlliance Clinton Hospital
United Way of North Central MA, Inc.
Visiting Nursing Association Trust
W E Aubuchon Co.
Wayne J. Griffin Electric, Inc.
WEIM Radio
WICN Public Radio
Worcester Magazine
Worcester Publishing Ltd
Workers' Credit Union
WPKZ Radio
Rose Anne Addorisio '63, '67
Cheryl A. (Craven) Ansin '96
Kenneth S. Ansin
Ronald M. Ansin*
Robert V. '67, '70 and Jeanne (Amadio) Antonucci '73, '78
Louise S. Appell
Lynn Barrieau '92
Thomas* and Arlene (Bonitz) Bentley '52*
Barry J. and M. Therese Bentley
Gregory S. and Caroline M. Bentley
Keith A. and Rene Bentley
Barry J. and  M. Therese Bentley
Raymond B. and Therese G. Bentley
Dorothy Boisvert
Stephen Boisvert
Louise Botica
Peter and Leslie Bovenzi
J.S. Bradbury '68 and Elizabeth Hawk
Richard and Helen (Kelley) Brockelman '56
Eileen M. Budri '71
Harry E. '59* and Norma (Hadd) Butterfield '42*
Joseph '14, '14 and Linda (Barnicle) Byrne '68, '70
John '71 and Lynn Callinan
David Celuzza '71 and Donna Hand-Celuzza '76
Robert Champlin*
Stephen '67 and Ann Chapdelaine
Anna Maria Clementi
John and Brigita Clementi
Ronald P. Colbert '76, '80
Martin and Kathleen Connors
Philip '63 and Sandra (Szczygiel) Connors '63
William* and Roberta (Fitzmaurice) Connors '63*
Christine Cormier Hayes
Tanya M. Hoos Crowley '21 and Anthony A. Crowley '95, '21
William F. Cuddy '74
A. Wallace '43* and Mary S. Cunningham
Leah M. Dearden '28*
David W. '67* and Carol Dik
Nicholas '75 and Donna (Geneva) DiNinno '75
Dennis and Cheryl Donahue
Ethel P. (Mandrus) Donahue '41*
Paul J. Donahue
E. Thomas '70 and Joanne (Liatsis) Donnelly '80
Louise I. Doyle*
David P. Driscoll '55
William J. '42* and Kathryn Groves*
Mary-Beth Fafard '67
Michael '71 and Pamela Fiorentino
Richard Fisk
John W. and Joan (Brissette) Flynn '65
Katherine Flynn '57*
Scott W. and Sarah Foster
Gloria M. Francesconi '53
Virginia A. Gaffey '57, '55*
Robert G. '82 and Deborah A. (Matson) Gallagher '83
Sean J. Gallagher and Carol Vittorioso
James M. Geary '78
A. Andre* and  Lina L. (Grammont) Gelinas '24*
Charles A. and Janis A. (Pallotta) Gelinas '76
Louis P. Gelinas
Paul F. Gelinas '84
John J.* '42 and Rebecca Gemma
Richard Gilbert
Rosemarie Giovino
Leo V. Gittzus '40*
Alice (Gill) Goss '33*
John L.* and Corrie Grado
Eugene '81 and Sharon Gray
Maria R. Grigorieff
Walter F. Harrod '40*
Elizabeth M. Haskins*
Hugh D. Hawkins
William and Roberta (Lunderville) Hayden '87
Frank W. Haydu
Richard Healey
Christopher P. '91, '07 and Melissa Hendry '14
John F. and Patricia A. Hess '94*
Mary (Gagnon) Hills '40*
Wallace E. Holznagel '94*
Leonard and Trudy Howard '44*
Donald R. '72, '79 and Karen Irving '90
John '63, '68* and Sheila Jalutkewicz
 Patricia (Barbaresi) James '58
Steven P. James
Mathew Jared
Jeanne M. Joyal '53
Thomas  Kirklauskas '69
Glenn '81 and Jean (Beauregard) Knowlton '82
Anand Krishnamurthy
Marc and Michelle LaFrance
Richard D. '72 and Janet (Hunt) Lavoie '72
Thomas '86 and Mary Lynn Leary '85
Donald and Joan Lightfoot
Larry and Kristin (Anderson) Link '85
Gregg P. Lisciotti
Mary Lisi
Richard '91 and Brenda Lombardozzi
Fran Ludwig
Paul R. '81 and Terry Maguire
John F. '69 and Mary A. Malloy
Gerard C.* and Nadine Martel
Aldo J. and Anna R. (Guglielmi) Mazzaferro '77*
Leo F. '51 and Patricia (Lilly) McManus '51*
Randy Meech '97
Anthony and Debbie Mercadante
Nicholas D.* and Frances M. (Posco) Mercadante '53*
Carol A. (Cavaioli) Millette '73, '78
Michael E. and Janet Montuori '75
Thomas '82 and Maria Gracia Morrissey
Richard and Ann Murphy
David Nickless and Deborah Phillips
Charles E. '62 and Sharon V.(Gates) O'Connor '65
John E. '43* and Marjorie (Killelea) O'Neil '43*
Marcia A. Palo '66*
Anthony Pasqualone
Ronald Petrunoff
Anthony* '48, '49 and Florence Polito '50*
 Robert '72, '75 and Catherine (Weisse) Portrie '74
Kenneth Posco
Marilyn (Miller) Pula '53*
Brenda Robinson '74, '75
Jerrold Rosen '59, '62
Alden H.J. Sector '52*
Robert A*. '71 and Judith A. (Wagner) Seguin '70, '83
Robert M.* Virginia (Madden) Shepard '58, '63
Ruth B. Shepherd*
Alan Silverman
Steven Silverman
Todd Smith
Albert N.* and Elizabeth R. Stone
Daniel J. '41* and Elizabeth K. Sullivan
Sheila R. Sykes
Phillip '57* and Anne C. (Lioce) Tardanico '77
Jim '76, '81 and Gail (George) Todd '74, '80
Dorothy (Holmes) Toporeck '27*
Frank R. '69, '72 and Joan (McMillan) Trocki '70
Paul E. Troxell '82
Edward T. and Linda M. Vitone
Shirley A. Wagner
Edward and Barbara A. (O'Connor) Wilson '80
Michael Woodson
Samuel and Nancy (Cole) Yee*
Vic '85 and Roseann (Grady) Zelny '84
Elliott and Michele Zide
Anna (Hyland) Zimmerman '38*
Mary Ann Zimmerman*


BNY Mellon Community Partnership
Chartwells College & University Dining Services
Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts
Douglas & Isabelle Crocker Foundation
Elaine N Marieb Charitable Foundation
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Enterprise Wealth Management
Estate of Marcia A Palo
Estate of Virginia A. Gaffey
Facility Management Corporation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
James Family Charitable Fund
Leominster Credit Union
Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation
Mary F. & Mary Frances Burnham Trust
Robert Stowe Jr. Living Trust
Rollstone Bank & Trust
Schwab Charitable
Sterilite Corp.
The George R. Wallace Foundation
U. S. Charitable Trust
Stephen Boisvert
Eileen M. Budri '71
Stephen '67 and Ann Chapdelaine
Anna Maria Clementi
William F. Cuddy '74
Donald R. '72, '79 and Karen Irving '90
Steven P. James
Anand Krishnamurthy
Larry and Kristin (Anderson) Link '85
Robert '81, '91 and Diane Salvatore
Steven Silverman
Todd Smith
 Robert S. Stowe, Jr. '59*
Jim '76, '81 and Gail (George) Todd '74, '80
Edward and Barbara A. (O'Connor) Wilson '80


407 Dean LLC
Anderson, Bagley and Mayo Ins Agency, Inc.
Benevity, Inc.
Caveney Insurance Group
Clementi Family Charitable Trust
DiNinno Family Dental
Fidelity Bank
IC Federal Credit Union
IT Induct INC
M&M Trees LLC
Montachusett Home Care Corp.
Officer Ronald Tarentino Jr. Charitable Fund
P.J. Keating Company
Prudential Insurance Company of America
Research Results Inc.
Rubin and Rudman LLP
South Airport Shell
United Way of Central Massachusetts
Wilson Technologies LLC
Winchendon Springs Lake Association
Kenneth S. Ansin
Robert Brugman and Elizabeth Ayer '77
Lynn Barrieau '92
Dorothy Boisvert
Robert Brugman and Elizabeth Ayer '77
Pauline C. Carulli '96
Edward Caveney '84
Lowell '55 and Pat (Manganello) Clark '55
Ronald P. Colbert '76, '80
Martin and Kathleen Connors
Philip '63 and Sandra (Szczygiel) Connors '63
Gary and Janet  Cookson
Carolyn Stimpson
Nicholas '75 and Donna (Geneva) DiNinno '75
Stefan  Dodd '04, '19 
Paul J. Donahue
Mary-Beth Fafard '67
Jacqueline K. (Irish) Fiedler '66
Willard K. French '76, '84
Sean J. Gallagher and Carol Vittorioso
David '80 and Karen (Hayes) Gendall '80
Richard Gilbert
Rosemarie Giovino
Scott Griggs
William and Roberta (Lunderville) Hayden '87
Raymond Holmes
David E. Holton '68
Richard Huot '66
Vincent Ialenti
Patricia (Barbaresi) James '58
James Kaloyanides
James V. Kell '79
Stephen T. Kilcoyne '75
Richard S. and Lisa Lapidus
Mary Lisi
Richard '91 and Brenda Lombardozzi
Nadimpalli and Aparna Mahadev
Patricia A. Marshall
William M. McCaffrey '76
William F. '70, '82 and Maureen A. (Grier) McSheehy '70, '82
Randy Meech '97
Carol A. (Cavaioli) Millette '73, '78
Matthew '90 and Lisa Moison '91
Thomas '82 and Maria Gracia Morrissey
Mickey '81 and  Patricia (Brennan) Natoli '81
Curtis Nikitas '13
Jamie M. Nonni '95
Kevin J. O'Brien '63
Charles E. '62 and Sharon V. (Gates) O'Connor '65
John J. Paul
Ronald Petrunoff
Kevin Quirk
Brenda Robinson '74, '75
Harold Rosenberg
Ruth (Clark) Russo '53
Robert M.* Virginia (Madden) Shepard '58, '63
Mark J. Sweeney
David Tiernan '83
Paul E. Troxell '82
Harris Upham
Nelly Wadsworth
Bryan P. Wilson '93
Michael Woodson
Samuel and Nancy (Cole) Yee*
Nick York
John Zarrella
Vic '85 and Roseann (Grady) Zelny '84
Elliott and Michele Zide

Abbott Laboratories Fund
Advanced Building System Inc.
Demers Brothers, Inc.
Fitchburg Access Television
John Page Electric, Inc.
Lorden Oil Company
Peck Builders
The Frank & Victoria Rich Family Foundation
Rose Anne Addorisio '63, '67
Thomas J. '90, '99 and  Mary Jane (DiBenedetto) Allain '93
Anne Anderson
Wayne '74 and Susan Andrews
George Arvanitis
Robert Azevedo
Michael and Sara (Lambe) Barnum '87
Laura A. Bayless
Jeb Booth and Lisa Merlo-Booth
Brad Brown
Rosaline Cardarelli '81
Michael '79 and Nancy Celona
Richard and Jean (LaComfora) Crouch '70
Tanya M. Hoos Crowley '21 and Anthony A. Crowley '95, '21
Serena David '22
Tara Dean
Gary Demetriou
Jocelyn Deneen
Thomas Dewitt
Christopher Dodd
John E. Donohue
Charles Famolore
Jacqueline K. (Irish) Fiedler '66
Scott W. and Sarah Foster
Gloria M. Francesconi '53
Robert '84 and Sandra (Dame) Fryc '84
Sean Galaris
Marie P. Galliker '69
Mark Gargulinski '77
Dennis George
Janet (Hunt) Golan '76
Michelle Goyette '85
Allan Greenman
Eric A. Gregoire '11
Jennifer Hanselman
Mary (O'Keefe) Hoag '63
Charles Hoskins
Dorothy H. Kelly '66
Dana Kopka
Kaliope Kopley '01
Bernard Lee
Russell '82 and Judith Lees '83
Gary '84 and Heidi Lorden
Theodore Lorden
Michael J. Misilo '21
Joann Nichols
Jeffrey H. Nutting '81
Elizabeth A. (Cronin) O'Connor '76
Frank M. '93 and Kiki O'Donnell
George '71 and Kathleen Pare
Robert J. Peck '77
Stephanie K. Prince
Larry Purtill '77
Robert '81 and Eileen Quinn
Frank Rich
Ralph N. '89 and Laura (Dalrymple) Rogers '85
Louis M. Romano '68, '71
Kristie Seekins
Bill Shea
Nicholas D. Smith '11
Dana Sullivan
Raymond Tremlett '83
Dustin Turner '10
Amy (Wangsness) Wehe
Charles Whittaker
Tina (Blanchette) Wilson '90, '97
Jeffrey A. Wolfman


AJ Spears Funeral Home Inc
BAE Systems
Charities Aid Foundation America
Coastal Plastics Equipment Inc
Contemporary Design & Construction, Inc.
D R Hunt Inc.
Helene Karl Architects, Inc.
Parish Of Christ Church
Paul Mazut Corvette Restoration and Parts
Prime Zenith Hospitality LLC
Spinelli CPA, PC
Tessman Insurance & Financial Services
Willis Towers Watson
Eric Alitalo '63
Michael Athanasoulas
Mary E. Baker '99
Brian P. Berube
Renee Bitterman
Matty Blake
Carl Bletzer '84
C.K.H. Born
Sheila Boudreau
Lorna (Giacomozzi) Brooks '85
Keith Brothers
Jay Bry
Gregory Cardello
Barbara Chaffee
Christine (Conkling) Chapman '78
Fred Charpentier
Ilene J. Coddon '88
Joseph G. Cohen '78
Kerry A. Costello '71
John Cuoco
Dory Cutting
Thomas DeSensi
Mark Dickinson
Joel Dobrin
Gordon Dunn '91
Irene E. (Niemiec) Ersing '64
Kimberly M. Faulds '96
Michael '71 and Pamela Fiorentino
Christine M. Forti '85
D.J. and Barbara J. Fortin '72
Robert '84 and Sandra (Dame) Fryc '84
Paul C. '70 and Jeanne (Schneider) Gagliarducci '72
John T. '89 and Suzanne (Glockner) Garten '90
Linda J. (Rutledge) Gaudette '87
Peter '75 and Jayne (Stevens) Girouard '73, '01
Matthew P. '06 and Jessica L. (Guiney) Glover '08
Jacob Gotlieb
Arthur '73 and Elaine Hall '88
William and Michelle (Thibodeau) Hall '79
John Hancock
Armen '63 and Pauline (Pappas) Harootian '63
Larry Hartmann
Jonathan Harvey
Christopher P. '91, '07 and Melissa Hendry '14
Dave Hopla
John M. Prenosil and Christine M. Houle '92
Robert Hunt '00
John Hurley
Robert V. '55 and Christina (Kimball) Iosue '58
Thomas '70, '74 and Debra Kane '77
Ron '85 and Karen (Mastico) Kearns '87
Lawrence Kelley
Benjamin P. Kellman '75
Joseph Kopley
Mr. Gary Labadie
John S. Lambe '81
John '67, '75 and Nancy (DeCiantes) Lee '67, '80
Sara Levine
Jennifer Flanagan '04
Bryan V. Lynch '92
Janet Lyons
William Macdonald
Yvonnie Malcolm
Laura Maldonado
Clare Mara Rowland '88
Tom S. Marsh '81
Patricia F. (Camara) McDevitt '63
John McKinley
Harry E. McLellan '76
Martin McManus '84
Anthony and Debbie Mercadante
Frank P. Mercurio
Craig'73 and Cynthia (Flannagan) Miller '74
Stephanie Minister
Lisa Mirra
Michael Mitchell
Douglas and Dawn (Polascak) Haley-Morton '90
Joshua W. Muzyk '20
Patrick '80 and Kathleen (McKenney) O'Brien '79
Sean F. O'Brien '78
Daniel S. O'Connor '80
Louis Olerio
Kimberly Page
Pasquale Palumbo
William Parks '79
Anil Patel
Bruce Perkins '66
Linda (Howe) Perrin '67
Sarah Peterson
Sophia Powell
Denis C. '86 and Katherine (O'Brien) Proulx '84
David F. Reid '73
Betty (Richardson) Reid '77*
Neil J. Rice '77
Charles R. Roberts
Jeanette M. Robichaud '21
Mr. David J. Roy
Robert Rzeznikiewicz '63
David Sacra and  Mrs. Jean M. Sacra
Ken Sadowsky
William A. Schultz '73
Douglas Skillins '86
Dalton '63 and Mary Jane (O'Malley) Smart '63
Roger K. '64  and Marsha (Lanciani) Smith '63
Anthony Spears '14
Thomas and Karen J. (Boutotte) Spinelli '92
Deborah A. (Mallard) Stein '06
Elizabeth Stern
David and Karen Tessman
Richard and Anna (Ferzoco) Tocci
John Toto
Daniel Tracy
Anthony Trodella
James M. '75 and Elizabeth R. Walsh
Melissa Webb
Jared M. Weed '13
Gary Weisberg
Barbara L. White '96
James Wilcox
Edward Wilson
Jeffrey Wilson '87

33 Prichard Realty Trust
AbbVie, Inc.
Ameriprise Financial
Catalano Sports Sales
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Committee to Elect Stephen DiNatale
Dell Technologies
Denny Nolan Real Estate
Hewlett-Packard Company
Microsoft Corporation
Nagy Realty Management, LLC
R. J. Curley & Sons
Raytheon Company
Todd C. Sullivan Construction
Toy Town Elementary School
Westford Custom Floors, Inc
Elizabeth Aho '00
Craig  Albano '91, '24
Michael Angelus
Michael Baccheschi
Patricia Barbour
Franca Barricelli
Gregory and Donna Basque
Richard and Patricia E. Basque
Yasemin Batirbek
George (Tim) Bauman '56
Robert J. '85 and Kelly A. (Reardon) Bell '86
David '75, '78 and Deanne Bellefeuille-Besnia
John A. Benoit '59*
Sharon A. Bernard '99
David Besnia '75, '78 and Deanne Bellefeuille-Besnia
Robert D. Birnbaum
Virginia Blackmer '77
Lawrence '80 and Brenda M. Bonetti
Mark Boudreau '83 and Mary Boudreau '08
Eric Boughton '10, '14
Walter Brennan
Jonathan Broadfoot
Cameron Brooks
Jason Patrick Brosnan '99
Robert Brousseau
Matthew Bruun '14
Scott Bulriss
Allison M. Bunnell '03
Leona M. Burgess '07
Matthew Burke
Martin Bushey '79
Brian Butler
Thomas Callahan
Robert H. '77, '88 and Susan Campbell
Michele Caniato 
Joseph and Catherine Canney '98
Anita Carbone
George '91 and Lisa Carino
Charles '69 and Janet (Gallo) Carpenter '71
Reynee Carrillo
Robert '63 and Rosemary (O'Connor) Carter '63
Mark J. '78 and Tara Casavant
Sam Chery
Christos Chrisafides
Dana Cisowski
Susan Cisowski
Samantha Clasby
Jane Clegg
Michael Cloutier
Kevin J. Coakley '81 and Amy D. Wolf
Amy Cooper
Michael and Nancy (Williamson) Cote '87
Ian '84* and Sandra Cotterell
Richard T. '73 and Ann (Karpawich) Courtney '74, '75
Michael Courtney '03
Arthur '79 and Mary Cox
James B. '70, '91 and Kathleen (McCarthy) Craigen '70, '80
Thomas J. Curley '88
Siobhan Curran
Richard and Sandra (Britton) Daigneault '80, '84
Harold and Mary (Angelini) Dennen '62, '76
Paul Dermatis '70, '75
Yasser Derwiche Djazaerly
Ron and Kathleen (Babineau) Deschamps '80
Peter'73, '98 and Jean (Matheson) Dewar '73
Mark DiBenedetto
Stephen L. '79 and Joanne M. (Perla) DiNatale '78, '83
Matt Dobski
James Dodge '69
Marc Dohan
Joe Dolan
William '80 and Kathleen (Campion) Donahue '81
Jeffrey '71 and Joyce Dore 
Cindy Dow
Jeremiah J. '65 and Cherie A. (Renda) Driscoll '66
Daniel Duffey
James A. Fahey
David '90 and Maria (Winchenbach) Farragher '90
Mary (LeBlanc) Favreau '63, '73
Mark D. Fearer '93, '99
Susan Ferguson '71
Marco Ferrara '10
Charles W. Ferreira '70
Dolores Finch
J. Joseph and Nancy (Nevala) Finizio '74
Marsha Finkel Jacobs '68, '76
Scott Fitzgerald
George '83 and Dianne Fitzmaurice
Marcia Fluet
Edward Flynn
Stephanie Fogarty
John and Coleen Foley
Kathryn A. Ford
Suzanne M Forte-Mitchell '84
Muriel M. (Monteiro) Fortes '64
D.J. and Barbara J. Fortin '72
James A. Fotopulos '58, '65
Ronald D. Frauton '85
Robert Gallagher '62, '68
Robert Gardula* and Diane Rouleau-Gardula '72, '79
Rodney Gaudet '82
Dolan P. Geneau '76
Paul '71, '72 and Laurene (Krato) Gerrior '71
Deborah Gifford
Thomas M. and Margaret (Connolly) Gilligan '71
Paul Gladstone
Ronda Golden and Michael Golden
Randall Grometstein
Joseph '87 and Elina Gurney
Linda R. Hansen '69
Richard Hansen '75
Edna M. Hanson '73
Daniel D. Harkness '91
Frank Harrison
Jeffrey '78 and Frann Haskell
Alex Hauser
Joseph '79 and Sharon (Haverty) Hehn '79
John Heimerl
Muriel (McGinley) Henault '59 
Ralph L. Hogan '11, '16
Lee '86 and Allyson (Krol) Hollenbeck '86
Richard and Naomi (Wetherbee) Howarth '63
Stanley Howe
Virginia Howe
Doreen M. (Encarnacas) Hutchinson '70
Joseph P. '60 and Rita J. Indresano
Charles Jaglinski
Jean (Mulcahy) Johnson '71
Cheryl Johnston
Paul A. Jolie '66, '76
Kenneth and Jennifer (Mitchell) Jones '89, '97
Romauld Jones '76
James Junkins
Ruth Kazmierski 
Kristin Kelley '16
Thomas Kelly
Matthew '82 and Barbara Kenslea
Marion C. (Mosa) Kerrigan '60
Donald '85 and Debra (Fountain)  King '85, '21
Sheila King-Goodwin
Deborah Kirkconnell
Andrew O. Klein
Lorraine D. (Medeiros) '92 and Robert Kovacs
Henry Koza
Stephen Koza
Joseph '75, '81 and Doris (Gaibl) Kraemer '78
Jacalyn Kremer 
Aruna Krishnamurthy
Wolfgang Kuenzler
Michael P. '08, '13 and Carissa (Scottfenton) Kushmerek '11
Kristine Lampert
David '71, '76 and Rosemary M. (Connors) Laverdiere '79, '10
Robert J. Leary '81
Linda M. LeBlanc '14
Russell Lee
James Harding and Tina Lewandowski-Harding '84
John Lohmann 
Michael '82 and Gail Lorden
Stephen H. and Hilary L. Loring
David '80 and Denise Lucier
Renee Lupien
Thomas E. Lyons and Virginia (Lafosse) Trumpolt '76
William Lyons
Joseph MacDonald
Thomas Magliocco
Jeffrey '62 and Joyce Maher
Suzanne (Flint) Malloy '83
John B. Mann '75
Edward Manning
Richard Manolo
John '81, '94 and Joan Mara
Mark Christian and Maryellen Mara-Christian '85
Daniel '82 and Kathleen Marchand
Matthew '13, '17 and Stephanie (Fielding) Marchetti '07, '10
John M. '69, '73 and Joann E. Marion '71, '83
Robert Marion
Tracy (Durkin) Markwell '98
Patricia Martin
Thomas Martin
Raymond Martino
Lorie (Crandall) Martiska '79
Irene Martyniuk
Pelino A. Masciangioli '62, '66 
Joseph and Geri (Hutchinson) Massalski '88, '91
Theodore and Christine E. (Pooles) Maxant '69
John C. Maynard '76
Dean Mazzarella
Robert '78, '01 and Jane (Toczek) McCarrick '79
Gary A. McCauley '70
Joseph McCoy '80
Donna McGarry
William McGee
Stephen '75 and Nancy (Sullivan) McGuiness '75
Jeff McHaffie
Patrick McKinney
Edward and Graciete (Cabral) Medeiros '63
Francine M. Meigs '83
Richard N. Melillo '77
Robert R. '68, '72 and Louise M. (Grenache) Mercier '95
Robert '79 and Melissa Mewis
Laila J. Michaud '92
Charlie Miles
James and Anabel (Byrne) Milinazzo '76, '93
Warren F. Moge '60
Wilson E. Molano '90
Damon S. Moore '00
Deirdre '92 and Gregory J. Moran
Kathy Moran
Anthony V. Moreno '15
Irene (Tuttle) Morine '82
Greg Morris
Philip and Lisa Moulton '96
Lynne M. Murphy '72
James and Terese (Gibbons) Murphy '86
David L. Murray '73
Joseph '63, '69 and Rosalyn (Hemingway) Navaroli '68, '70
David '72 and Pamela M. (Butler) Nawrocki '73
David Nickless and Deborah Phillips
Steve Nicoletta
Alfredi '72 and Jane Niemi '74
John G. Niles '10, '14
Nogast, John
Denny R. '66 and Arlene Nolan
Bruce '68 and Nancy (King) Nordstrom '69
John O'Brien
Karen O'Connor
Stephen '70, '74 and Jean (Leonardi) O'Neil '70
James O'Reilly
Steven G. O'Reilly '86, '99
Anthony '84 and Judith Olson
Mary Olsson
John O'neil
Justin '91 and Mary Beth (Brochel) Pallis '91
Stephen Paoletti
Thomas and Roberta (Rich) Paulson '62
Michael Pavilaitis
Kathleen Pearson
Stephen Petty
Vin Phaneuf
Karen Philbrick
Karen Pick
Douglas '00 and Alison Plante
Bertrand L. Proulx '83
Sara V. Prygocki '18
Richard Rahmberg
Jignesh Rasania '09
Kara Raymond
Francis '82 and Deborah (Lasek) Reidy '82
Anita Reiser
Maggie  Remensnyder
Thomas D. Renihan '77
Cristy Rewenko
Peter H. Reynolds '83
Robert and Linda M. (Johnson) Rice '70
Albert R. Rietheimer
Pam Riordan
Stephen Ristau 
Susan Robichaud
Beverly J. Roder
Joan Romano
Peter S. and Margaret (Membrino) Romano '65
Donald J. Romeo '66. '74
Dennis Rousseau
Judith A. Rutelonis '77
Jean Salvatore '80
Kenneth Santulli
Laureen Sasseville
James E. Scarth '68. '77
Daniel '07 and Kerry (Kazanjian) Seaman '08
Christopher J. Seidlich '07, '10
Harry and Helena (Brown) Semerjian '61, '80
Nimish M. Shah '96
Steven Shangraw '69
Kevin Shea
Richard Shea and  Lisa Rothschild Shea
Patty Short
Steven '74 and Pamela (Sundstrom) Skorko '76, '85
Kelina Smith '21
Roderic '69 and Wendy Smith
Laura Soderberg
Marilyn Southam 
Holly St. Gelais
Peter Staab
Tracy Sterner
Peter J. Strazdas '79
Robert '56 and Sheila (Higgins) Sullivan '57
Stephen Sullivan '95
Todd C. Sullivan '89
Graham M. Suorsa '02
Walter and Esther (Ostrowski) Supinski '68, '73
Mark Swidler '81
Stephen and Kelly (Leary) Sylvia '03, '11
Anne C. (Lioce) Tardanico '77, '86
John '82 and Kelly (Clinton) Tarmey '87
Seth Tebbetts
James Tessman
Gary and Janice Testagrossa
Daniel Thomas
Dennis P. Thomas '74
Mathew Thomas
Robert '98 and Jennifer Thompson '00
Timothy Tiches
Gioccondo Tieppo
Richard T. Tiernan '68, '74
Daniel and Janet (Bassett) Tighe '84
Rhonda M. Torcoletti '83
Aaron Tourigny
Jeffrey Trowt
Virginia Trumpolt '76 and Thomas E. Lyons
David '86, '00 and Carolyn (Dawe) Uminski '87
Timothy B. Vernon '06
Robert Vilare
John '62 and Lorraine Viveiros
Frederick Vona '76
Mary A. (Godley) Walsh '63, '69
Gary A. Walters '76, '80
Mary K. Wenninger '87
Joseph F. Wesolowski '76
Donald R. Wherren '67
Carla Wirzburger '70
Kevin J. Coakley '81 and Amy D. Wolf
Gwendolyn Yee
Janet Young


George ’69 and Jeanne (Ziegler) Awad ‘69
John W. and Joan (Brissette) Flynn '65
Mark Fearer ’93, ‘99James "Jim" A. Foltz '10
Virginia A. Gaffey '55*
Sean Goodlett
Jonathan Guzman ‘18
Ronald and Irene (Czekanski) Hamel '65
Helen Hornsey*
Donald ’72, ’79 and Karen ’90 Irving
Elaine Marieb ‘84*
Karen Frank Mays ’94, ‘09*
Maria T. Mewing-Holbein '91
Marcia Palo ‘66*
John J. Paul
Lorraine (Elia) Rosenthal '88*
Gayle F. Shaw '88
Robert Stowe, Jr '59*
Jim '76, '81 and Gail (George) Todd '74, '80
James M. '75 and Elizabeth R. Walsh
Stephen D. Winters '93
Mary Ann Zimmerman*

Impact on Giving

Meet a few of our donors.
headshot of alum Marcia Palo

Marcia Palo

Marcia Palo, Fitchburg State Class of 1966. Marcia graduated from Fitchburg State with a degree in nursing. For many years, she worked as a nurse at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, as well as the VA Medical Center in Boston. In her estate plans, Marcia specified that 15% of her residual estate be given to Fitchburg State to create a nursing scholarship in memory of her parents, Jacob and Stella Palo. The first scholarship was awarded in 2020.
Dr Elaine Nicpon Marieb Alum

Dr. Elaine Nicpon Marieb, PhD

Dr. Elaine Nicpon Marieb, PhD, Fitchburg State Class of 1984. Also a graduate of the Fitchburg State nursing program, Elaine Nicpon Marieb, PhD, named the university as a beneficiary in her estate plans. As a nontraditional student herself, Dr. Marieb wanted to create a fund to provide support for, "women who are coming to college later in life or who are returning to college in hopes of finally earning their degree." In her own words about the important role education played in her life, "Education gave me the faith and confidence I have in myself, and I would love to help instill that faith in students pursuing careers in health professions. With confidence and education, you can change your life."