Fast Track 100% Online Bachelor's in Business Administration

Smiling male student looking and talking with Michael Greenwood

100% Online Undergrad Business Administration Information Session

March 27, 6-7 p.m.

Join us to learn more about our 100% Online Bachelor's in Business administration program. During this live virtual session, you'll learn more about the accelerated 7-week course model enabling you to save time and money, available concentrations including our new Information Systems Management track, and application and admission process. Plus there's no application fee to apply! You'll have the opportunity to ask any questions you have to the faculty program chair and university administrators.

Register for the virtual Business info session

100% Online Fast Track Business Administration Programs

These flexible degree programs, offered 100% online in a 7-week accelerated course format, work well for adult learners who are balancing work, family and education, while also trying to customize their plan of study to achieve personal goals.

Choose from one of these five concentrations available in the business administration degree:

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Take a Look Inside the Courses and Events

Business Administration

Business administration students explore sales management and entrepreneurship as well as other exciting opportunities in the program. 
Read more about: Business Administration