Katharine Covino ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR English Studies School of Arts and Sciences kcovinop@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3751 Office: Miller Hall 102B
Christopher Cratsley PROFESSOR Biology and Chemistry School of Health and Natural Sciences ccratsley@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3617 Office: Antonucci Science Complex 225
Lynn D'Agostino ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/GRADUATE PROGRAM CHAIR Education School of Education ldagosti@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3341 Office: MCK C130
Danette Day ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Education School of Education dday@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3695 Office: McKay C126
Karen (DiGiovanni) DeAngelis ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Education School of Education kdeange3@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3516 Office: McKay C122
Christine Dee PROFESSOR/GRADUATE HISTORY PROGRAM CHAIR Economics, History and Political Science School of Arts and Sciences cdee2@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3429 Office: Miller Hall 301A
Daneen Deptula PROFESSOR Psychological Science School of Health and Natural Sciences ddeptula@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3603 Office: McKay Complex 220
Rachelle Dermer ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Communications Media School of Arts and Sciences rdermer@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3542 Office: Conlon Hall 349
Yasser Derwiche Djazaerly ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Humanities School of Arts and Sciences yderwich@fitchburgstate.edu 978.655.3004 Office: Conlon Fine Arts 250
Christine Devine ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Nursing School of Health and Natural Sciences cdevine@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3722 Office: Thompson Hall 319