Heather Urbanski ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR English Studies School of Arts and Sciences hurbansk@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3679 Office: Miller Hall 210
Jared Vanasse ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Environmental, Geographic and Public Health Sciences School of Health and Natural Sciences jvanass3@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3228 Office: SCI 326
Visal Veng VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Engineering Technology School of Business and Technology vveng@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3051 Office: Conlon Hall 211
Mary Vreeland ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Communications Media School of Arts and Sciences mvreelan@fitchburgstate.edu 978.424.4678 Office: Conlon Hall 315
Jeff Warmouth PROFESSOR/ DEPARTMENT CHAIR Communications Media School of Arts and Sciences jwarmouth@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3406 Office: CNIC 237A
Amy Wehe PROFESSOR Mathematics School of Health and Natural Sciences awehe@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3253 Office: Edgerly Hall 301D
David Weiss PROFESSOR Behavioral Sciences School of Arts and Sciences dweiss@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3582 Office: McKay 238
Paul Weizer DEPARTMENT CHAIR/PROFESSOR Economics, History and Political Science School of Arts and Sciences pweizer@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3272 Office: Miller Hall, 101B
Daniel Welsh PROFESSOR Biology and Chemistry School of Health and Natural Sciences dwelsh3@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3510 Office: SCI 233
Wayne Whitfield PROFESSOR AND ACTING CHAIRPERSON Engineering Technology School of Business and Technology wwhitfield@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.4807 Office: Conlon Hall 205