Provider-Led Study Abroad Programs

Provider led programs study abroad programs include courses taught at foreign universities and require additional paperwork (the Preliminary Registration Approval Form, or "PRAF,") for credits to transfer. Reach out to Study Abroad Advisor Nicole Salerno for assistance with this form, and work with your Departmental Advisor and the Registrar for course approval.

Three falcons are studying abroad in Florence, Italy with the help of the CIC Scholarship and ASA. Hear about their experiences.

ASA (Academic Studies Abroad)

  • Programs to Europe and Latin America


  • Programs in Japan, Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan
  • Internships, service-learning and online courses

Fitchburg State University collaborates with Edu-Odyssey to Accredit Study Abroad Courses in locations such as Japan, Taiwan and Thailand, as well as virtual programs. Through their joint efforts, they ensure that students receive high-quality educational experiences both at home and abroad, and that those experiences meet rigorous standards of academic excellence. For more information about programs and course offerings, please visit their website.

ISA (International Studies Abroad)

  • Programs to Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and the Pacific
  • Internships and service-learning programs for academic credit opportunities
  • Scholarships available

TEAN (The Education Abroad Network)

  • Programs to Australia, New Zealand, China, Southeast Asia, South Korea

API (Academic Programs International)

  • Programs to Europe and South America

IES Abroad

  • Programs available in multiple countries
  • Internships available
  • Scholarships available 

CIS Abroad (Center for International Studies)

  • Programs to Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Hawaii

AIFS (American Institute for Foreign Study)

  • Programs to Asia, Australia, Europe, South Africa and the Americas
  • Internships for academic credit available
  • Flight packages available
  • Scholarships available

See Where our Students Study

Ephemian Bailey in Ireland holding a bunny
API in Dublin

Ephemian Bailey

Ephemian Bailey is a criminal justice major studying abroad at Maynooth University in Dublin with API. Ephemian's favorite course is European law, as she plans to attend law school after Fitchburg State. She received the Zimmerman Scholarship for her semester abroad in Ireland. 
Varshita Patel in Florence, Italy
ASA in Florence

Varshita Patel

Varshita Patel studied abroad through Academic Studies Abroad for the Spring 2022 semester. Varshita took courses in English, related to her major and Italian culture at Florence University of the Arts. She also received the Center for Italian Culture Scholarship through Fitchburg State University to help with her study abroad costs.
Giancarlo with a group of people ina flamenco class
ASA in Barcelona

Giancarlo Mazzarro Henry

Giancarlo Mazzarro Henry is an IDIS major studying abroad at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona with ASA. He is taking some really interesting courses including, Cultures Without a State: The Case of Catalonia. His program has awesome cultural activities, including flamenco lessons! 
Study Abroad Melissa Indeglia in Rome, Italy
IES in Rome

Melissa Indeglia

Melissa Indeglia completed her internship for communications media through IES Abroad in Rome, Italy during the Spring 2022 semester. Melissa interned at  So Fare Film Company where her main film project documented minority communities in and around Rome.  
Gabriel Rivera with host parents in Spain
ISA in Spain

Gabriel Rivera

Gabriel Rivera is a history major studying abroad at the Universidad Catolica de Valencia in Spain with ISA. He is really enjoying staying with his host family and has explored many different areas of Spain.

Learn about History major Gabriel Rivera's experience here and abroad in this One Minute Major video.

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Academic Standing Policy

To participate in a provider-led study abroad program, a student must meet the academic standards set by the foreign university.

Questions? Get in touch!