First Destination Survey

View of commencement stage from Percival POV May 2022

The First Destination Survey is a national survey organized by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). The goal of the survey is to collect information related to the post-graduation outcomes of recent undergraduate student graduates within six months of graduation. Graduate information is obtained via an online survey through the Handshake career platform, through direct contact with Career Center staff or through LinkedIn research.  

For complete information, read the 2022-23 First Destination Survey Snapshot (PDF).

Faculty and staff, if you are seeking further information from the survey, please reach out to Cate Kaluzny

Undergraduate Survey Results 2022-23

Showing 74% working, 14% still looking, 12% continuing education, <1% not seeking

Work Status

74% are working

Showing 84% full time, 1% part time, highest salary $186,800, average %60,621, lowest salary $10,000 lowest

Employment and Salary Information

84% are working full time

2022-23 CSA Statistics

Internship Funding Awarded
Student Appointments
Career Fairs

Questions? Contact us.