Academic programs complete an Annual Report each year and submit it to the Director of Assessment by June 1. The Annual Report template is designed to capture evidence of student learning for internal reporting purposes as well as meeting the requirements of our regional accreditor.
- Academic Department Annual Report Template 2023-24 (PDF)
- Academic Department Annual Report for Watermark Planning and Self Study Users (PDF)
Non-Teaching units in the area of Academic Affairs complete an Annual Report by June 1 and an action plan by June 1.
Fitchburg State University conducts Program Review for academic programs without external accreditation every seven years. The process begins with a Program Review Workshop in the Spring semester prior to the writing of the Self-Study Report. Once the Self-Study Report is complete, an external reviewer is invited to campus in late spring of the self-study year to conduct an on-site visit. The faculty in the program will use the comments of the reviewer to create a five-year Action Plan for the program. Program review includes all levels, degrees, courses, modalities and locations.
Program Review Cycle
- 2019-20
Business Administration: Re-accreditation IACBE (7 yr. cycle)
Criminal Justice
Environmental and Earth Science
Computer Science and Computer Information Systems: Re-accreditation ABET (6 yr. cycle)
Education: Re-accreditation CAEP (7 yr. cycle)
Geographic Science and Technology
Industrial Technology
Nursing: CCNE Five Year Interim Report
Political Science
Sociology - 2020-21
Game Design
Humanities (Interdisciplinary Studies)
Human Services: Re-accreditation CSHSE (5 yr. cycle)
LAS Review - 2021-22
Occupational/Vocational Ed. Technology
NECHE Ten Year Review/Visit - 2022-23
Library - 2023-24
Early Education and Care*
Education Licensure Programs (DESE approved)(AAQEP)
English Studies
*New Program as of 2018
**Added to Program Review Cycle June 2022 - 2024-25
Educational Studies*
Public Health Science*
*New Programs as of 2019 - 2025-26
Communications Media
Computer Science and Computer Information Systems ABET (6 yr. cycle)
Exercise and Sports Science
Human Services: Re-accreditation CSHSE (5 yr. cycle)
Mental Health Counseling
Nursing: Re-accreditation CCNE (10 yr. Visit)
Psychological Science - 2026-27
Business Administration: Re-accreditation IACBE (7 yr. cycle)
Criminal Justice
Environmental and Earth Science
Geographic Science and Technology
Engineering Technology
Applied Science and Technology
Political Science
NECHE 5 yr. Review
Honors Program: Five Year Review by DHE - 2027-28
Digital Media Innovation
Game Design
Humanities (Interdisciplinary Studies)
General Education - 2028-29
Occupational/Vocational Education
Program Review Workshop
Program Review Documents
- Program Review Cycle and Procedures (AUC 176) (PDF)
- Action Plan – Table Format (MS Word)
- Faculty Credentials Table (MS Word)
- Faculty Demographics Table (MS Word)
- Dean’s Rubric (MS Word)
- Site Visit Agenda (MS Word)
Student Learning Outcomes identify the knowledge, skills, or attitudes that students will be able to demonstrate, represent, or produce upon successful completion of an assignment, course, or program.
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment is a process wherein the institution engages in full circle closed loop assessment as described in the following graphic:
Successful Outcomes Assessment
- Review the learning that takes place in your course.
- Review syllabus and other course materials.
- Prioritize that learning. Align learning priorities with key documents including program learning outcomes.
- Review examples of learning outcomes from other sources such as similar courses or institutions.
- Make sure all outcomes are measurable and can be assessed (see below for guidance in creating outcome statements).
- After developing learning outcomes for your students develop an assessment instrument (a test, essay, or project, etc.) and a scoring rubric.
- Administer the assessment to your students.
- Evaluate your students’ performance on the assessment instrument.
- Assess your students’ mastery of the learning outcomes given their performance on the assessment instrument.
- Reflect on why students did or did not master the learning outcomes, and develop strategies for improvement
Structure of Learning Outcomes Statements
The central element to learning outcomes assessment is the development of outcome statements. Begin with an action verb that denotes the level of learning expected. Terms such as know, understand, learn, appreciate are generally not specific enough to be measurable. Levels of learning and associated verbs may include the following:
- Remembering and understanding: recall, identify, label, illustrate, summarize.
- Applying and analyzing: use, differentiate, organize, integrate, apply, solve, analyze.
- Evaluating and creating: Monitor, test, judge, produce, revise, compose.
Consult Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy for more details.
Continue with a Learning Statement – The statement should describe the knowledge and abilities to be demonstrated. For example:
- Identify and summarize the important feature of major periods in the history of western culture.
- Apply important chemical concepts and principles to draw conclusions about chemical reactions.
- Demonstrate knowledge about the significance of current research in the field of psychology by writing a research paper.
Do the Learning Outcomes specify what all students who complete the assignment, course, or program should be able to complete?
Is each Learning Outcome stated from the perspective of the learner? Although we often use the terms goals, objectives, and outcomes interchangeably, Learning Outcomes reflect a student’s knowledge, skills, and abilities whereas goals shape the assignment, course, or program design.
Are the Learning Outcomes comprehensive, representative of both the depth and breadth of the assignment, course, or program? One of the challenges when constructing these statements is to capture the right level of specificity. Consider this Learning Outcome as a good outcome,
“By the end of the program, a student should be able to write a persuasive essay”
AAC&U VALUE Institute
Fitchburg State University has been participating in the AAC&U VALUE Institute national artifact collection and scoring since 2016. Our involvement includes the participation in the Massachusetts state-wide consortium of institutions in which our faculty providing a total of up to 100 artifacts aligned with the Critical Thinking VALUE Rubric. Faculty train as scorers and receive professional development via assignment design as part of their involvement in this initiative.
Professional Development 2024-25
Competency Based Education
Presenter: Laura Gambino, Vice President of the NECHE Commission
Sponsored by the Central Region of AMCOA
Friday, February 28, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Virtual with Details to Follow
Inclusive Assessment
Presenters: Panel with Katy Covino as Lead
Thursday, February 27, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Center for Teaching and Learning located in the Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library-212
Shifting Towards New Assessment Methods: The Nursing Department
Presenter: Debbie Benes, PhD, RN, PNP-R
Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Center for Teaching and Learning located in the Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library-212
Professional Development 2023-24
Watermark Planning and Self Study
In-Person training Sessions on Request:
Annual Reporting, Program Review, External Accreditation
Training Video on Watermark Planning and Self Study Annual Report Tool (video)
Professional Development 2022-2023
Equipping Your Assessment Toolbox:
Learning Outcomes Assessment
Presenters: Dr. Soumitra Basu and Dr. Cate Kaluzny
Wednesday, October 5 from 2:30 - 5 p.m.
Center for Teaching and Learning located in the Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library-212 Or join remotely at
Google slide presentation
Curriculum Mapping
Presenters: Dr. Laura Garofoli and Dr. Cate Kaluzny
Wednesday, February 8 from 3:30 - 5 p.m.
Join remotely at
Equipping Your Assessment Toolbox (video)
Planning Assessment Projects
Panel Members: Dr. Christine Devine, Dr. Megan Krell, Dr. Randall Grometstein, and Dr. Eric Williams
Wednesday, April 5 from 3:30 - 5 p.m.
Join remotely at
Professional Development 2021-2022
Tools for Equity in Assessment Series:
Equity in Assessment
Presenters: Junior Pena and Dr. Cate Kaluzny
Tuesday, September 28 from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Center for Teaching and Learning located in the Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library 212
Or join remotely via Google Meet at the following link:
Tools for Equity in Assessment: Rubrics for Teaching and Learning
Presenters: Dr. J.J. Sylvia and Dr. Cate Kaluzny
Tuesday, October 26 from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Center for Teaching and Learning, 2nd Floor, Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library, 212
Or you remotely via Google Meet at the following link:
Tools for Equity in Assessment: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Presenter: Dr. Kisha Tracy
Thursday, February 10 from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Join remotely via Google Meet at the following link:
Tools for Equity in Assessment: The Why and How of Transparent Assignment Design
Presenter: Dr. Laura Garofoli
Wednesday, March 2 from 2 - 3 p.m.
Join remotely via Google Meet at the following link:
Assessment Planning and Reporting Series:
Assessment Planning from the Experts
Presenters: Panel Presentation
Tuesday, April 12 from 3:30 - 5 p.m.
Writing Your Annual Assessment Report
Presenter: Dr. Cate Kaluzny
Tuesday, April 26 from 2 - 3 p.m.
Center for Teaching and Learning located in the Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library 212
Or join remotely via Google Meet at the following link:
AMCOA Assessment Conference
Watch for details of AMCOA Assessment Conference (sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education) to take place in April 2025.
Professional Development Resource Videos:
Tools for Equity in Assessment Series:
- Rubrics for Teaching and Learning
- Universal Design for Learning and Slidedeck
- The How and Why of Transparent Assignment Design and Slidedeck presentation
Professional Development and Resources on Assessment
Assessment - “Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development.” (Palomba and Banta, 1999)
Assessment Plan - A document that outlines the (1) program mission/goals,desired student learning outcomes (or objectives) and their relation to overarching (institutional priorities) and/or general educational outcomes, (2) learning processes (e.g., courses, activities, assignments) that contribute to students’ abilities reach the program’s outcomes (this may be shown in the form of a curriculum map), (3) and long-range timeline.
Assessment Report - The Annual Report template is designed to capture evidence of student learning for internal reporting purposes as well as meeting the requirements of our regional accreditor.
Closing the loop - Using assessment results for improvement and/or evolution.
Curriculum Map - A matrix showing the coverage of each program learning outcome in each course.
Direct Assessment - Collecting data/evidence on students’ actual behaviors or products. Direct data-collection methods provide evidence in the form of student products or performances. Such evidence demonstrates the actual learning that has occurred relating to a specific content or skill. (Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 2007). See also: Indirect Assessment.
Examples: exams, course work, essays, oral performance.
Focus Group - A qualitative data-collection method that relies on facilitated discussions, with 3-10 participants who are asked a series of carefully constructed open-ended questions about their attitudes, beliefs, and experiences. Focus groups are typically considered an indirect data-collection method.
Formative Assessment - Ongoing assessment that takes place during the learning process. It is intended to improve an individual student’s performance, program performance, or overall institutional effectiveness. Formative assessment is used internally, primarily by those responsible for teaching a course or developing and running a program. (Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 2007) See also: Summative Assessment.
Indirect Assessment - Collecting evidence/data through reported perceptions about student mastery of learning outcomes. Indirect methods reveal characteristics associated with learning, but they only imply that learning has occurred. (Middle States Commission on Higher Education) See also: Direct Assessment. Examples: surveys, interviews, focus groups.
Learning outcomes - Statements that identify the knowledge, skills, or attitudes that students will be able to demonstrate, represent, or produce as a result of a given educational experience. There are three levels of learning outcomes: course, program, and institution.
Rubric - A tool often shaped like a matrix, with criteria on one side and levels of achievement across the top used to score products or performances. Rubrics describe the characteristics of different levels of performance, often from exemplary to unacceptable. The criteria are ideally explicit, objective, and consistent with expectations for student performance.
Summative Assessment - The gathering of information at the conclusion of a course, program, or undergraduate/graduate career to improve learning or to meet accountability demands. The purposes are to determine whether or not overall goals have been achieved and to provide information on performance for an individual student or statistics about a course or program for internal or external accountability purposes. Grades are the most common form of summative assessment. (Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 2007) See also: Formative Assessment.
The above are in part adapted from University of Hawaii at Manoa glossary of assessment terms.
These links provide valuable resources to guide your assessment work. If you have questions about this content please contact the Director of Assessment, Cate Kaluzny at
- Fitchburg State University Assessment Web Pages
- NILOA (National Institute of Learning Outcomes Assessment)
- NEEAN (New England Educational Assessment Network)
- AMCOA (Advancing a Massachusetts Culture of Assessment)
- AALHE (Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education)
- James Madison University Assessment Resources
Watermark Planning and Self Study
Welcome to Watermark Planning and Self Study (P&SS). This tool was a net zero cost to the University and provides numerous efficiencies to assessment planning and reporting. It is designed to save time and reduce redundancy in faculty work related to Annual Assessment Reporting, Program Review, and External Accreditation Self-Studies.
During academic year 2023-24 eight Academic Departments piloted the Annual Reporting tool to report out on Learning Outcomes Assessment within their departments. This implementation was accompanied by both in-person and virtual/video training. This web location will serve as a repository for support items for use of the Annual Assessment Reporting tool within P&SS.
If you have questions about using Watermark PSS for your Annual Assessment Reporting reach out to Cate Kaluzny, EdD at
Training Video PSS Annual Reporting Tool: How to Create an Annual Report Using Watermark Planning and Self Study (P&SS)
Watermark Power Point End User Skills (PDF)
Watermark Planning and Self Study Support Pages on Annual Reporting (Plans)
*It is important to note that Watermark uses the language of “Annual Plans” or “Assessment Planning” to describe what we refer to as our Annual Assessment Reporting.
During academic year 2024-25 four programs are piloting Watermark Planning and Self Study for Program Review. This implementation will be accompanied by support of the Director of Assessment, Resources, and Videos which will be shared with participants and placed on these web pages. See below
- Watermark Support Pages: Program Review as a Contributor
Content Coming Soon