Summer Course Information

Catch up or get ahead with over 150 courses to choose from - online, on campus, and accelerated options. Registration opens April 7.
Greek life with Freddy on quad in front of Thompson

Summer Course and Program Options

Resources for Summer Students

Summer Course Highlights


Over 60 Liberal Arts and Sciences/General Education options for undergraduate students.


Online and hybrid graduate and undergraduate courses available.

Rapid Course Completion

Most courses run for five to seven weeks.

Benefits of Taking Summer Courses - Undergraduate Students

  • Register for unique/interesting topic courses not available during the year
  • Most summer classes are accelerated and can be completed in 5 to 7 weeks
  • Complete outstanding LAS/General Education courses
  • Shorten the time to your degree completion by completing required courses
  • Register for courses that may be difficult to get into throughout the fall and spring terms
  • Register for necessary prerequisite courses allowing you to get a head start in the fall
  • Provides an opportunity to repeat courses if needed
  • Opportunity to participate in smaller classes 

Need help with...

Professional Development

Educator Courses and Institutes

See the courses and institutes we have available for educators during the summer.

Advanced Placement Institutes (APSI)

Each workshop is designed to meet the needs of each participant, while renewing confidence and providing new strategies to bring back to the classroom. 

Center for Professional Studies

Check out courses and workshops available to help you with your professional development.