School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education

Campus Center beauty shot
Amber from SGOCE and student at SGOCE table

Information Sessions

Join the staff from the School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education for an Info Session or Ask Me Anything event to learn more about our programs.

We're dedicated to helping you achieve your goal of an advanced education.

Academic Information

Academic Calendars

Access to the School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education's academic calendars.

Course Schedules

Looking for a certain course? Filter and view current schedules for the whole university.

Academic Catalog

Search programs and courses as well as academic policies and procedures, and much more.

Resources for...

LUK Inc./ Fitchburg State University Partnership 

LUK Inc. logo house

Fitchburg State University is pleased to present LUK, Inc. with a partner discount for your employees to assist with addressing their educational needs. Together, we are committed to removing the barriers of access to the pursuit of higher education. This initiative demonstrates the LUK, Inc.’s commitment to the professional growth and development of its employees. 

This agreement confirms that any full-time employee of LUK, Inc. who is admitted to and enrolled in any undergraduate or graduate degree or credit based certificate program within the School of Graduate Online and Continuing Education except for the online accelerated MBA, M.Ed. Educational Leadership and Management, M.Ed. Curriculum and Teaching, RN-BS in Nursing or Extended campus programs will receive a 10% discount on tuition for each course in their program. (The discount does not apply towards fees). Students must be admitted into a program, maintain satisfactory academic progress in accordance with University policies and maintain continued employment at LUK, Inc. to remain eligible.     

The discount will be applied to any eligible employee in accordance with the above criteria for any courses beginning October 30, 2023 or later. To receive the discount:

  1. If you are a current LUK employee and current Fitchburg State Student enrolled in one of the eligible programs, send an email and indicate that you are a LUK employee and would like to have the discount applied. Be sure to include your full name, student ID and the degree program you are enrolled in.
  2. If you have not yet applied to Fitchburg State or are in the application process, after you have been admitted, you will receive an Intent to Enroll form, which is an electronic form that will be sent to your email address. When you fill out this form you will see an option for selecting a University Partner employer. Choose LUK from the list and submit the form. The discount will be automatically applied.

If you have any questions about the discount program please contact the School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education at 978.665.3182 or

More Than Masters and Certificates

Online Learning

Get a quality education with these online offerings. Browse programs, register for a demo course, and review a host of support materials designed to answer all your questions. 
Read more about: Online Learning

Extended Campus

We provide quality educational opportunities at extended campuses to constituents engaged in professional development and/or formal study in one of our academic degree programs.
Read more about: Extended Campus

4+1 Programs

Begin your experience as a freshman and complete it as a master's degree graduate in one of our groundbreaking programs. 
Read more about: 4+1 Programs

Student Resources

Student Resource Center

Resources for our graduate and continuing education students as we help you to better navigate the university. 

Accelerated Student Resources

Curated resources for our online student population as we help you navigate the digital university. 

Questions? Let us help!

Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.