In Short
If you are interested in becoming a teacher, we have the program you need. The university has a rich tradition of teacher education.
Program Overview
Students within the elementary education concentration may pursue initial teacher licensure (grades 1-6) by completing an elementary education major. In this concentration, students will learn the theory, research, and pedagogy necessary to teach elementary school students through the elementary education major and will develop interdisciplinary studies content knowledge through their general education coursework.
Throughout the program of study, students will complete several field-based experiences in elementary school settings, which will be supervised by mentor teachers and university faculty supervisors. These field-based experiences will provide students with opportunities to observe and participate in elementary school instruction that incorporates what students are learning in their educational pedagogy classes as well as what they are learning in their general education courses. Students will complete a formal practicum for their elementary education major as required for initial teacher licensure. This program meets the standards of the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation.
Education 4+1 Program
Complete a 4 Year Bachelor’s Degree and License in... Elementary Education 1-6
Complete a 1 year M.Ed. in Pedagogy and Learning and add a License in... Early Childhood Education PreK-2 OR Moderate Disabilities PreK-8 or 5-12
- Guaranteed admission into the graduate program for students who maintain their academic standing and meet admission qualifications.
- Students must pass all required MTELs and successfully complete the practicum in order to earn the initial license. This will automatically make them eligible for the 4+1 program.
- Students in this program can begin their graduate coursework in the semester immediately following completion of their bachelor's degree and have a seamless transition from their undergraduate to graduate program.
- Application
- Although students complete 4+1 program application at any point up to the practicum, they will still need to apply to the M.Ed. in Pedagogy and Learning program. The fee, letters of recommendation, and essay are waived.
I worked with elementary students in their classrooms and made a lot of connections and memories with other students in the program that will stay with me forever!
Experiential Opportunities
Study Abroad
Curriculum and Other Information
- BSE, Elementary Education (1-6) - Program information from the University Catalog.
- Four-Year Plan of Study - Required and elective courses for program completion.
All Teacher Candidates will meet the following Professional Standards for Teachers:
(1) Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students by providing high quality and coherent instruction, designing and administering authentic and meaningful student assessments, analyzing student performance and growth data, using this data to improve instruction, providing students with constructive feedback on an on-going basis, and continuously refining learning objectives.
(2) Teaching All Students standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students through instructional practices that establish high expectations, create a safe and effective classroom environment, and demonstrate cultural proficiency.
(3) Family and Community Engagement standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students through effective partnerships with families, caregivers, community members, and organizations.
(4) Professional Culture standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students through ethical, culturally proficient, skilled, and collaborative practice.
Teacher candidates from Fitchburg State University will demonstrate the knowledge and skills required for their license including the following subject-matter knowledge standards:
a. Support the integration of standards for literacy across the content areas as outlined in the 2017 ELA/Literacy Framework.
b. Apply basic principles and concepts for digital literacy and computer science in Computing and Society, Digital Tools and Collaboration, and Computing Systems as outlined in the 2016 Digital Literacy Computer Science Framework.
c. Apply the theories of cognitive, social, emotional, language, and physical development from childhood through adolescence.
d. Understand the characteristics and instructional implications of moderately and severely disabling conditions.
e. Apply special education policies and procedures.
f. Support English learners through English learner education instruction.
In addition to the standards above, each program has specific subject-matter knowledge standards that teacher candidates must meet.
Elementary 1-6
Knowledge of the significant theories, approaches, practices, and programs for developing reading skills and reading comprehension:
- Current research-based theories and practices for developing proficient and strategic readers; familiarity with programs and approaches for teaching literacy/reading.
- Principles and research-based instructional practices for developing proficient readers (phonics and word recognition, vocabulary, reading fluency, comprehension, and the reading-writing connection).
- Theories, research, and instructional practices for supporting readers with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, strengths, and challenges.
- Knowledge of reading standards as outlined in the 2017 ELA/Literacy Curriculum Framework: reading for key ideas and details, craft and structure, integration of knowledge and ideas, and range of reading and text complexity.
- Instructional practices for supporting comprehension in a variety of genres and content areas.
- Knowledge of selection criteria for classroom literary and informational texts.
Principles and research-based instructional practices for developing emergent reader skills (alphabetic principle, concepts of print, phonological and phonemic awareness).
- Phonemic awareness and phonics; principles, knowledge, and instructional practices.
- Use of assessment for instruction and intervention.
- Knowledge of a variety of formal and informal reading assessment tools.
- Use of data from screening, diagnostic, and formative assessments to identify individual strengths and weaknesses and to differentiate instruction (prepare mini-lessons, select appropriate materials, form flexible groups).
- Knowledge of Response to Intervention models/components, including tiered instruction, shared responsibility and decision-making, research-based interventions, and progress monitoring.
- Diagnosis and assessment of reading skills using standardized, criterion- referenced, and informal assessment instruments.
Teacher candidates must demonstrate the necessary depth and breadth of content knowledge needed to support all students in mastering expectations outlined in the following Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks:
2017 English Language Arts (ELA)/Literacy Framework:
Grades Pre-K—8
2017 Mathematics Curriculum Framework:
Grades Pre-K—8
2016 Science and Technology/Engineering (STE) Curriculum Framework:
Grades Pre-K—8
2018 History and Social Science Framework:
Grades Pre-K-8
While most of our graduates find work in public or private elementary schools, education collaborative classes, or preschool and day care programs, others work in residential programs, rehabilitation facilities, adult services, and corporate education programs. Graduates are employed all over the country because they have completed a nationally accredited program and fulfill the minimum state requirements for licensure in most states. In addition to Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, recent graduates have been hired by school systems as far away as Arizona and Alaska.