In Short
Interdisciplinary Studies is designed to help fully realize the academic, professional, and personal potential of students whose interests range across the boundaries of traditional disciplines.
- Take command of your own educational goals and design your own program.
- Use different disciplinary methods strategically to address scientific issues in innovative ways.
- Combine broad scientific knowledge with other fields to design a project that relates directly to the kind of work you want to do when you graduate, and serves as a springboard for your future success.
Program Overview
The General Science Initial Teacher License (5-8) Concentration, Interdisciplinary Studies, BS gives you a strong grounding in the basic natural sciences, including physics, earth and geographic sciences, biology, and chemistry. This program provides the flexibility to design your own major by combining a defined core set of science courses with a minor in another field.
Experiential Opportunities
Study Abroad
Undergraduate Research Conference
Curriculum and Other Information
- Interdisciplinary Studies Major with a General Science Initial Teacher License (5-8) - Program information from the University Catalog.
- Four-Year Plan of Study - Required and elective courses for program completion.
As a senior, you will have the chance to do an individual Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone project that reflects your personal vision and professional goals, applying insights from a range of disciplines to crucial contemporary issues and challenges in an original way.
- Teaching middle school science
- Entry-level laboratory technician positions
- Science writing careers
- Success in today’s rapidly changing workplace requires individual initiative, flexible “outside-the-box” thinking, and an ability to define one’s own professional goals; the individualized IDIS General Science degree challenges you to do exactly that.