End of Semester/Finals Support

The Library is here for for all of your finals studying needs!
Extended Hours
Starting Thursday, Dec. 12, the Library will have longer hours (except on Friday, 12/13). Click the link to see our updated hours: tiny.cc/LibraryHours
De-Stressing Activities
Taking short but regular breaks is an important part of studying. Stop by the Library's first floor to take a few moments to relax through a variety of de-stressing activities including:
- coloring
- making friendship bracelets
- board games
- making buttons
- origami
- making a pet rock
Pick up some fun stickers or a positive message from our affirmations gumball machine!
Free Coffee, Tea, & Snacks
The Library will be providing coffee, tea and an assortment of snacks starting at 10:30AM on Monday, 12/16, through Wednesday, 12/18.
SGA Pizza Party, Monday, 12/16
The Library is co-sponsoring a pizza party with SGA on Monday, Dec. 16th at 7pm in the Main Lounge Lobby just outside the Library's entrance.