Organizational charts are in the process of being updated. If you need additional information contact HR.
- Academic Coaching and Tutoring (PDF)
- Admissions (PDF)
- Alumni and Development/Grants (PDF)
- Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs (PDF)
- Athletics and Recreation Services (PDF)
- Behavioral Sciences (PDF)
- Biology/Chemistry (PDF)
- Business Administration (PDF)
- Capital Planning and Maintenance (PDF)
- Career Services and Advising Center (PDF)
- Center for Diversity and Inclusiveness (PDF)
- Communications Media (PDF)
- Computer Science (PDF)
- Counseling Services (PDF)
- Dean of Arts and Sciences (PDF)
- Dean of Business and Technology (PDF)
- Dean of Education/McKay (PDF)
- Dean of Health and Natural Sciences (PDF)
- Dean of Students (PDF)
- Disability Services (PDF)
- Economics, History and Political Science (PDF)
- Education (PDF)
- Education - McKay (PDF)
- EHS/Risk and Materials Management (PDF)
- Engineering Technology (PDF)
- English Studies (PDF)
- Enrollment Management (PDF)
- Environmental, Geographic and Public Health Sciences (PDF)
- Executive Cabinet (PDF)
- Exercise and Sports Science (PDF)
- Finance (PDF)
- Financial Aid (PDF)
- Housing and Residential Services (PDF)
- Human Resources / Payroll Services (PDF)
- Humanities (PDF)
- Institutional Research and Planning (PDF)
- International Education (PDF)
- Library (PDF)
- Marketing and Integrated Communications (PDF)
- Mathematics (PDF)
- Nursing (PDF)
- President (PDF)
- Psychological Science (PDF)
- Registrar (PDF)
- School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education (PDF)
- Student Accounts (PDF)
- Student Development (PDF)
- Student Success Center (PDF)
- Technology (PDF)
- TRIO Student Support Services (PDF)
- University Police (PDF)
- Upward Bound (PDF)
- Vice President, Finance and Administration (PDF)
- Vice President, Provost Academic Affairs (PDF)
- Vice President, Student Affairs (PDF)