Game Capstone

Female student drawing to design a game in the ideaLab

All Game Design students complete their studies with a full-time, semester long capstone. Game Design students have two options for their Capstone semester: Game Studio or Communication Media Internship.

Game Studio is a capstone course for game design majors. It is a full-time, semester-long experience in which students work in teams to plan, design, develop, test, and prepare for publication a significant game project, in an environment that closely mirrors a professional game studio. 

Male student using VR goggles and joysticks

Students in Fitchburg State’s game design program work on their capstone projects in the ideaLab which is located in downtown Fitchburg’s Theater Block. The ideaLab houses a state of the art studio space designed to promote applied work and create interaction between students, faculty and working professionals. The end of the semester sees Game Studio Students present and celebrate their work at a post-mortem event. Try some Game Studio Capstone projects.

Game Design post mortem panel of students