Randy Howe PROFESSOR Communications Media School of Arts and Sciences rhowe@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3544 Office: Conlon 321
Jane Huang PROFESSOR Environmental, Geographic and Public Health Sciences School of Health and Natural Sciences jhuang2@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3496 Office: Antonucci Science Complex 328
Katherine Jewell PROFESSOR Economics, History and Political Science School of Arts and Sciences kjewell1@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3866 Office: Miller Hall 301B
Guy Karlebach ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Computer Science School of Health and Natural Sciences gkarleba@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.4635 Office: Edgerly Hall 312C
Sanjay Kaul PROFESSOR Engineering Technology School of Business and Technology skaul@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3050 Office: Conlon Hall 208
Karen Keenan ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Exercise and Sports Science School of Health and Natural Sciences kkeenan5@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3987 Office: Exercise and Sports Science, Room #104
Amy Kendrick ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Nursing School of Health and Natural Sciences akendric@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.4606 Office: Thompson Hall 314
Wendy Keyser PROFESSOR English Studies School of Arts and Sciences wkeyser@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3983 Office: Miller Hall 212
Elizabeth Kilpatrick ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Biology and Chemistry School of Health and Natural Sciences ekilpatr@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3620 Office: SCI 224
Kay Kwahng Kim PROFESSOR Business Administration School of Business and Technology kkim@fitchburgstate.edu 978.665.3533 Office: Percival Hall G09-D