Navigating Your Student Account - SGOCE Accelerated Student Resource Center

Navigating Your Student Account

Login to MyFalcon and choose Student Accounts/Bills and Payments.

  • My Account: Displays current activity, statements, payment history and consents and agreements (which is also located in the right hand column).
  • Make Payment: Location to make a payment.
  • Refunds: Be sure to set up a refund account. This will be necessary if you have to drop a course for any reason and need to receive a refund. Note that you can connect to this site either on the top navigation list or in the right hand column.
  • Help: This option displays how to ask for help or provides additional important information.
  • Authorized Users: This is the location in which you can add an authorized user to make payments on your behalf.
  • Payment Profile: This is where you can save your bank account or credit card information for future payments.
  • Notification: Here you can change the methods in which you receive notifications, via email or text message.
  • Home: Returns you to the main payment screen.

Need help with your account? Contact Student Accounts.