Graduate Adjunct Faculty Award


Established in 2021 to honor and recognize the contributions of graduate adjunct faculty at the University who have advanced, with distinction, the learning experiences of students at the graduate level. Awardees have demonstrated excellence in teaching, made a notable impact on student learning, and exemplified a dedication to innovative instruction.

All adjunct faculty who have taught in a graduate program within Fitchburg State’s School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education for a minimum of 10 semesters (fall/spring/summer) over a 4-year period or have taught a minimum of 20 courses are eligible. The recipient will receive $1,000 and a citation presented annually at a recognition celebration in the spring.

Alumni, faculty, librarians, staff, and students are encouraged to submit a nomination. Nominations should be in the form of a letter addressed to the Graduate Adjunct Faculty Awards Committee and emailed to Nomination letters must include a brief statement of rationale for the nomination and should emphasize the nominee's excellence in teaching. Self-nominations will also be accepted.

  • Nominations must be submitted to
  • Nominations are due by December
  • Supporting materials due by January

Nominees will be notified of their nomination and must electronically submit supporting materials based on selection criteria below.

Selection Criteria

  • Excellence in teaching
  • Development and utilization of high impact learning activities
  • Innovation in teaching pedagogy
  • Fostering of student engagement

Selection Committee

  • Deans from each school 
  • Department and/or SGOCE Program Chairs from the nominees department may be included as well