Fall 2022
The university conducted a Campus Climate Survey in fall of 2022, administering the same instrument as in the fall of 2020 and the spring of 2018. The initial instrument was designed by Bridgewater State University and shared in conjunction with the Leading for Change multistate consortium.
The following represent preliminary summary results. Additional analysis is forthcoming.
When compared to 2020, we experienced a significant reduction in student respondents which may be attributable to survey fatigue. The number of staff respondents remained level and the number of faculty respondents dropped by 16%.
Number of respondents:
Respondents |
2018 |
2020 |
2022 |
Student |
258 |
669 |
151 |
Faculty/Librarians |
103 |
136 |
114 |
Staff/Administrators |
143 |
203 |
202 |
The following reports contain comparative summary results for the 2018, 2020 and 2022 administrations, by respondent population:
- Students (PDF)
- Faculty/Librarians (PDF)
- Staff/Administrators (PDF)
Fall 2020 Results
Although the overall results of the fall 2020 survey are positive and reflect improvements in our campus culture, the data also indicates varying experiences within our community. The university is committed to providing a shared positive experience to all of our campus members and will continue to address these differences.
When compared to 2018, there was an increase in the number respondents, particularly with respect to students. This may be indicative of an increased interest in and/or awareness of campus climate.
Number of respondents:
Respondents |
2018 |
2020 |
Students |
258 |
669 |
Faculty/Librarians |
103 |
136 |
Staff/Administrators |
143 |
203 |
The racial and ethnic diversity of student and staff/administrator respondents increased while that of faculty/librarians decreased.
Percentage of respondents racially or ethnically diverse:
Respondents |
2018 |
2020 |
Students |
22.1% |
26.5% |
Faculty/Librarians |
15.7% |
10.6% |
Staff/Administrators |
5.4% |
11.5% |
The student respondent population was 66% female and 71% undergraduate. The following is a sampling of other populations that were represented in the student population.
Percentage of student respondents that identified as diverse based upon:
Respondents |
2018 |
2020 |
Sexual Identity |
10.4% |
16.8% |
Gender |
4.9% |
5.0% |
Living w/ Disability |
27.1% |
32.5% |
A group of five campus representatives, some from the Leading for Change Committee, was formed in February 2021 to begin reviewing the results of the survey. A number of comparative reports were created as a means to present the data to the larger campus community. In addition, a few emerging themes were identified during this initial phase of review:
Note: In the following results, students of color and people of color represent respondents that self-identified as belonging to one of the following racial or ethnic groups: Hispanic/Latinx, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian, Black or African American, and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.
- Welcoming Environment: Although students of color reported a greater sense of belonging and a more welcoming environment when compared to 2018, they still report a lesser sense of belonging and a less welcoming environment when compared to white students.
- Diverse Relationships: When compared to 2018, students overall reported more positive experiences related to culturally and socially diverse experiences both in and outside of the classroom, with the most significant gains being reported by students of color.
- Inclusive Delivery: When compared to 2018, students of color reported significantly more positive experiences regarding culturally inclusive experiences both in and outside of the classroom.
Differences in student experience were evident when comparing residential status (i.e. commuter vs. resident), level (i.e. graduate vs. undergraduate), initial enrollment status (i.e. freshman vs. transfer) and gender identity, all of which merit further analysis. (See below for comparative reports).
The survey results have been shared with a number of academic departments and the NECHE 2022 Steering Committee. Requests for data beyond what is presented below may be made to irp@fitchburgstate.edu.